A Hero~OttoXReader

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10 years ago
"Ohana,please make your way to the front to show your drawing."
A small five year old made her through her classmates,her drawing in her hand and her stuffed panda in the other.
"What would you like to do when you grow up,Ohana?"

The little girl was smiling ear to ear.
"I want to help other people.Like a hero!!"
The room went silent,then laughter echoed the entire room.
"Don't laugh at me!!I want to help other people!!!I want to make a difference in life."
The girl pouted and slowly put her drawing down.The teacher looked at her gave her a sympathetic smile.

"That's nice dear,but what career interests you the most?"
Ohana tried fighting back her tears and looked away.

"What I want to do.....doesn't exist."
The whole class started burst in even more laughter.There were few who didn't laugh.And they where the kids who also had gone through what she was going through.They had been in her same footsteps.

The teacher cleared her throat and tried settling the kids.Just as she did,the recess bell rang.All the other kids ran out the classroom and let out screams as they ran down the halls.Seven kids remained in their seats,in the back of the room.They all had the same expression on their faces.

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