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That's right,fangirls!!Mr.Giggles is making a second appearance!!Can I hear you say 'Mr.Giggles'?
A five year old girl cried in the corner.She was new.She wore glasses.She had auburn hair.Nobody wanted to talk to her because she had just arrived.

A blond five year old boy watch the crying girl,from across the room/and could only feel guilt overwhelm his little body.He looked down at his stuffed jackalope and petted him.He ordered his toy,it was given to him at birth and it always made him feel better.

The little girl looked all around and begun crying once again.She placed her hands on her jeans,where her knees where,and looked down.

The blond boy had now stood up and was walking towards her.He had thought that it might make the crying girl feel better if she hugged Mr.Giggles,the jackalope.Everyone turned to watch the boy as he made his way to her.

When he was in front of her,he held his furry friend before him and smiled at the girl."Here.Hug him."

She reached out for it,not too rapidly but not too slow either.She smiled at the feeling of the jackalope's small furry back.She first looked at the boy,for permission to grab him,before actually holding it before her."He helps you feel better.His name is Mr.Giggles."The girl laughed and looked at the boy.

"That's a funny name."She cuddled with him until she saw kids putting toys away."I guess you want Mr.Giggles back?By the way,I'm Olympia Cathcart."She held the toy before her and awaited for the boy to take it.

"No."He pushed it towards her and smiled."Keep it.I'm Otis Kragten."When kids begun to put toys away,it meant it was lunch time."You want to sit with me?"

The little girl,now known as Olympia,nodded.Otis ran off to get his stuff out of his cubby before heading back to sit with Olympia.She had placed the toy on her lap while she munched away on a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.Otis looked down at his own sandwhich,a ham and cheese sandwich with no crust and was cut into two triangles.He picked one piece and offered it to Olympia.

As for her reaction,she jumped back and aggressively shook her head."No thank you.I have a ham and cheese allergy."Otis was a little stunned,no one he had ever met had an allergy to ham and cheese sandwiches."Do you want some of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"She took half of her sandwich and put it in between,for the boy to take it any second.

"Sure."The boy happily grabbed the sandwich,placing his own down on its napkin where it belonged."Why'd you come here?"
He suddenly covered his mouth,realizing how rude he must've sounded.

"My parents moved here and so now I have to come to this school."She bite down on her sandwich and smiled."I like it a little so far.Just that I have no friends."Otis placed his tiny hand on hers,a smile took over his emotions.

"I'll be you friend."He giggled and munched away once again."Don't worry."Olympia giggled as well and hugged Mr.Giggles.

"Thank you."Otis leaned in and gave her a hug,hoping she would finally know she had a person to talk to and why she had a better reason to look forward for coming to school.

"No problem."
Sweet,I know.Just nothing to say except vote comment and share!!

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