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How can a 11 year old be so pretty?!!I'm over here looking like a potato.Ugh!!
Oona was in her state of daydreaming.Again.Looking into outer space like nothing was wrong in life.Yet,there was something missing in her life.More like someone.

"Oona?....O-Oona are you ok?"Oona blinked and got out of her daydreaming state.Olympia was standing behind the counter,holding a gadget in her hands and blankly blinking back at her.

"Howdy do.What do you need?A toothbrush-inator?Un-pizza-head-inator?Or a sweater-inator?Oh!!Maybe a tiny note-inator."She started pulling gadgets from her back.Even if Oona's smile convinced herself,it didn't convince Olympia.She hid something and Olympia was going to find out what it was.

"No.....I need a Body Place-inator."Oona turned her back to Olympia and started to look for it on the wall.

"Here you go.Anything else?"

"Nope.Thanks Oona."Olympia quickly ran out of the lab.As soon as she left,Oona grabbed her journal and locked herself in the secret bunker Oscar had.

"Go For the President of the Scientists."Oona held her breath as she heard Oscar's voice for the first time since he left.

"Hello?Who is th-"She quickly hung up and let tears roll down her face.Never had she felt this sad.Her journal was the only friend she could turn to.

Dear Journal,
I......I don't know what to do now that Oscar is gone.I seem to have my head in the clouds.I haven't slept in a while just because he came to my mind every time I close my eyes.

People try to help me but you can't fix a broken heart.

Sincerely,Oona Henderson

Once she finished the 'n',a tear fell onto the page and left it wet.

"Ms.O......Something is wrong with Oona....she seems distracted lately.It's really weird."

Ms.O looked up from her apple juice and gasped."Oh no!!!!I'm out of apple juice.Also about Oona.Well?!!!What are you waiting for?Go fin out what's wrong with Oona!!"

Olympia ran out of the office and to Oona's lab but no one was there.

"Oona?"Olympia looked around the lab and found a little picture frame with Oscar's picture in it.She held the frame in her hand and smiled.Oscar might be the reason why she's upset.Or maybe it was something else.

Oona sniffed and looked at her journal.Olympia couldn't see her like that.At least not now.So as quietly as possible,Oona grabbed her journal and hid in the very back of the bunker.She slowly cried herself to sleep.Tears left her right sleeve stained.

"Hello?!!!Anyone here?!"Oona woke up to the sound of a young boys voice.It wasn't high but it wasn't low.It sounded as if they had just hit puberty and she knew who that voice belonged to.

She clutched her journal on her chest and breathed heavily.The person seemed to move the entrance of the bunker and before she knew it,a light blinded her.How long had she been asleep?

"Oona!!I'm so glad I found you."Oscar peeked his head and smiled at Oona,who was now crawling as fast as she could towards him.

"BOSS!!!"She hugged him but pulled away when she realized what she had done.Trying to act casual,she smoothed out her lab coat.

Oscar leaned back on the desk."So what have you been up to?"He looked around the room."Huh.Nice decorations.Makes the lab look....homey."She laughed and put her journal away.

"Thanks.I'm working on a un-bunny tail-inator.It takes off a bunny tail.If you have one."She picked up the gadget and gave it to him so he could inspect it.

"Looks good so far."He placed it on the desk and awkwardly looked at her."Hey Oona...c-can I ask you something?"

"Sure."She looked into his eyes.He was blushing.No,not blushing.Burning up in embarrassment.What was so embarrassing?

"What would you say if I told you that I liked you?"Oscar looked away while Oona remained staring at him.

"I'd say,I feel the same way."In her mind she was dancing around,she had confessed her love to him.


"Yes.I've....felt butterflies in my stomach ever since the day that we were in the bunker.Alone.I had wanted to tell you but with you becoming president I didn't want to tell you."He smiled and started to walk.

"Come on."He turned to face her and kept walking.His car had grown a bit it now reach a bit above his glasses.It suited him.As they walked,he got the nerve to take her hand.

"I love you Oona."

"I love you too,boss."
I gave myself a panic attack on Wednesday morning for some reason.Idk how but I went into panic mode.Still doing requests.I might go see Odd Squad Live on January 22 in Dallas.

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