Odd Heroes

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It was a quiet night in the small town of Vancouver.Well in all the town except in an abandoned alley,where many kids were competing to see who had the best Soundcheck lyrics.Oshawa was unbeatable.He had won every round every since he was 5.Now he was 14.He never expected to lose,until tonight.

"Who wants to take on the unbeatable,Oshawa?"He gathered the money off the tray.The reward was the money you betted.

"C-can I try?"The crowd made way for a tall,shy boy with tan skin and black hair.He stepped up as he held a piece of paper in his hand.

"I wrote this song.A-all by myself."Oshawa let out a nasty laugh,followed by the outburst of laughter from the crowd.

"What's your name,squirt?"


"Prepare to lose,Otter."

"Two people say the title.Which ever one receives the most cheers,wins and wins the money as well.Writers,ready?Go!!"

Otto said some lines from his song but received a couple of cheers while Oshawa received a cheer from the whole crowd.
"T-That was my first battle.A-Another round."

Oshawa sneered and gathered his money."No one likes a sore loser.Now....go away."Otto immediately pulled out a huge wad of money from his hoodie.

"I-i have more money."Oshawa smirked and put the money back on the tray.


Otto pulled out another song from his hoodie and said some lines,this time receiving a cheer from the whole crowd.Oshawa only received thrre cheers,which made him made because he had lost to a 10 year old.

Otto happily collected his money and mocked Oshawa."Sorry Oshawa.No one likes a sore loser.Another round?.....Oshawa?"His henchmen hand Otto backed up to the wall and had him cornered.

"No one beats me.Show him a lesson."Right on time his older brother,Oren Cortez,showed up on his scooter.Making Oshawa fall to the ground.

"Otto.Hop on."

"OREN!!"Otto hopped onto the scooter as his brother tossed him a helmet and drove away.

"Are you hurt?"


"Did they harm you?"


"Then what on earth were you thinking,Knucklehead?"His brother sent him some soft punches.But still made Otto try to avoid them.

"Don't you know it's illegal to be at Lyric Fights?"

"Betting AND Lyric Fighting now thats....thats illegal.But the money is amazing.I'll be rich and no one can stop me."Oren came to a stop,as the police had them blocked.

"Oh no."Oren groaned and they got arrested.Now Otto waa looking straight at his brothers jail cell,where he was locked up with the other lyric fighters.

A couple of moments later they were walking out of the police station and to their aunt's truck.When she saw them,she pulled them into a hug.

"You guys are ok?"They both nodded their head.She let out a relieved sigh and pulled both of their ears.


They drove quietly as Oprah had stopped her talking.For a moment.

"For ten years I've tried my best to raise you right.Have I been perfect?No.Do I know anything about raising children?No."She slammed the door to her truck and opened the Juice shop door.

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