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Ok.....as much as it hurts me to say this,I am putting Odd Shots on hold.I hit the 70 one shots milestone and idk if I should even continue.I might do two requests that were submitted summer of last year,ones which I completely forgot about.Maybe two more chappies for Both~Otto/Reader/Otis.

But I really want to focus on either 'P.S. I Love You' or any other book.I'm in debate whether or not to unpublish 'Say It Again' and just make the second part on here again.I feel really proud of this book for getting it to 10k but maybe it's time to work on something else?

Idk.I never expected to get this far but yes.I will be either working on my Riverdale books,'For Him' and 'Mr.Hot Stuff',my other Odd Squad book,'P.S. I Love You'.And my Danisnotonfire book,'Lovin' You'.

Maybe,further into the month I will possibly come out with an Odd Squad/Reader book.I am looking forward on publishing it.Maybe the first of July but I doubt it.I will be coming back and forth to this book.it's just that idk....I think I might've lost interest in this book.

Maybe its an age thing.Maybe it's me transitioning from 14 to 15,but lately I have been annoyed by many things and I've lost interest in many things that I used to fangirl over.

I honestly don't know.I used to love Big Hero 6 but now I just find it more annoying than happy.Same with Dan and Phil.Same with Odd Squad.Don't get me wrong,I still like it.Just I'm not sure my love for it was the same as last year.

Like I said before,maybe it's an age thing.That's why I'm leaving this book.I've come to find it annoying and idiotic.I've even sometimes come to the point where I just wanna delete it.

Maybe I just don't wanna grow up but I'm being forced to.I don't know anymore.I've grown more passion into other things than fangirling.Believe me,I've been a fangirl since I was 11.Now that I'm getting 15 I just don't feel like that huge fan girl part of me has just left more and more each year.

I'm barely going to be a sophomore and I'm already planning my future for when I graduate.I want my career and I just feel like this is sort of getting in my way,my obsessions.

My parents have even noticed this.My wall was covered in posters of whatever.Now all you see is one or two drawings,4 certificates,one medal,four purses,pictures of me and my friends,a handmade letter from my friend,a poster my friend made me,necklaces,stuffed animals.Eveeyring that reminded me of my fangirl side left me.It was thrown away.I had the cutest Otis and Olympia...or was it Olive and Oscar?But it was a drawing that took me three days to accomplish.I threw it away in order to make room for my pictures of me and my friends.

I don't even know who I am anymore.This is how it's been since I turned 14 last year.I prefer to go shopping instead of writing fan fiction.Maybe I just need a break from writing.Which is what I will do.

I'm sorry I went on and on about my problems.It's just how I've been feeling since the end of school.


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