Wisdom Teeth~OtisXReader

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I think this was a very cute idea.Hope you like it,I'm thinking of doing another one of these but with Otis getting his tooth pulled out.
You continued complaining from the other side of the door.It was the day that you had to get your wisdom teeth pulled out.You knew that you would end up saying something stupid.Even worse,you could end up embarrassing yourself.In front of Otis and his brother,Otto.

"Come on,Ohana!!!Please!!Do it for me?We'll even get your favorite kind of ice creams afterwards,if you like."
Otis,your boyfriend,leaned towards the door and gently knocked.
"What do you say Ohana?"
Soon afterwards,you open up your door and crossed your arms.

"Only because you said we'd get ice cream."
He smiled and pulled you in for a passionate kiss on the lips.(*quietly fangirls in a corner*Because I am that amazing to let him kiss you͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
From downstairs,you heard shuffling and then heard a couple of footsteps heading your way.

"Hey,Oprah said we have to go now."
You looked at the younger  boy then back at Otis.They weren't even close to brothers.But they were.Otto was more of a tan color with black hair and brown eyes.Otis somehow had lighter skin,blonde hair,and had blue eyes.

"Fine.Let's go."
Ten minutes later,Otis and Otto,along with aunt Oprah,found themselves trying to pull you out of the van.It was the room all over again.That was until Oprah got fed up and just pulled you out by your ear.

You were basically tied to your chair(not literally).Even with one squirm,they all shot you a glare until you finally sat down calmly.The dentist came after an hour had passed by.You were very nervous.you had thought about running out while everyone was distracted but Otis,unfortunately,kept his eye on you.You sent him a nervous smile but he wasn't buying it.

He sent you a glare that practically said,
'Don't even think about it.'
You sighed tensely,saying
'I give up!'
People,with experience,told you that you would end up pretty loopy and giggleish after the procedure was over and done with.
When it came time to get you into the small room,you didn't stand up,nor run,nor walk to them.Instead,you remained in that chair.Holding onto dear life.You didn't want to do this game,again.But you just didn't want to go to the room.

"Ohana!!!Not again!!Just come on!!"
Otis said something to Otto before rushing to your side and trying to let you go of the chair.

"No!!I will not move from this spot!!You can't make me!!"
It was the wrong thing to say in front of Oprah.She had been watching you while reading her magazine.She stood up and pulled your ear,once again.

"Enough of your tantrum.Go in there or else!!"
She growled.Wait she growled?Now that was another reason to be scared of her,besides the other four hundred twenty five reasons why you were scared of her.So you wouldn't get on her bad side,which you were slowly getting on,you followed the dentist while Otis and Otto followed behind you.

"Please take a seat,Ms.Ohana."
The dentist patted the chair and once you sat down he wrapped,what looked like a napkin,around your neck.Woah,why didn't anyone tell you that you'd be eating in there?

"Woah!!There going to serve food?!!Bring the food to mama!!"
The dentist looked at you with a weird expression while Otis was shaking his head in embarrassment and Otto was laughing.After the whole thing passed,the dentist made Otis and Otto wait outside.

"You sure you won't try to escape?"
Otis didn't seem so sure about leaving you.Maybe you would try escaping by hurting the dentist and his assistant.Secretly that was your plan.But it was clear that you wouldn't be able to complete it if Otis was in there.

"I promise."
You smirks while you had your fingers crossed behind your back.But as soon as Otis walked out you begun trying to slap the dentist.They had to call Otis back in to hold you down.

"This is for your own good,Ohana."
They had managed to put a gas mask over your mouth and it made you very loopy.You bursted into a fit of laughter and looked up at the dentist then at Otis.You put your hand on his cheeks and continued laughing.

About an hour later,you were walking out of the building with your arm wrapped around Otis.

"The gas....SHOULD wear off in about an hour."

"Why did you use a whole lot?"

"...........HAVE A GREAT DAY!!"
Otis groaned and walked you towards the van.You weren't hesitant,you immediately climbed into the back of the van and clapped your hands in excitement.

"Car trip!!!Where are we going?"
Otto looked at you and patted your knee.

"We're going to the ShmumberIce Cream Parlor for ice cream."
Again,you clapped your hand and laid back.You watched Otis take the seat next to you and you leaned in and smiled.

"Otis!!!Chicken Butt!!Guess what?!!"
The blonde groaned and shook his head in confusion.


"Chicken thigh!!"
He let out a laugh and played with the ends of your hair.You placed your head on his shoulder and suddenly pushed away from him.
"I have a boyfriend!!"

"Uh huh."
He nodded and kept staring at your E/C eyes.You covered his face with your hand and kept pushing him away.

"His name is Otis.And if he finds out that I'm flirting with you,he'll beat you up!!So stay away from me."
Otis only smirked and kept playing with your hair.

"Tell me,is Otis smart,handsome,and nice?"
Otto choked on his laughter as he watched both you and Otis.

"Yep.And he's mine!!Not yours!!"
He wrapped his arms around you and cuddled with you.

"I know I'm all yours."
You gigled and buried your face into his chest.
Let's just say that the rest of the day wasn't any better.

Recap on how it went:
"Ohana?Ohana!!!Will you stop staring at the goldfish and just eat it?!!"

"Ohana!!!That centigurp isn't a grape!!"
"Are you having another staring contest?"




"You won't be beaten by a snack that smiles back.I get it."
"Please don't pour that on your head.....never mind......you already did."
"Don't pick that up and eat it!!Ok.....fine....don't listen."
"Was I really that dumb?"
Otis had told you everything that you had done.You crined and buried your face into your emoji pillow.
"What in jackalope's name did I do?"

"You should be asking 'What HAVEN'T I done?'"
You smacked Otis with your pillow and hugged him.

"You're not helping!!But you know that I'm glad to have had you by my side."
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him.

"And I'm lucky to have you next to me."
He placed a kiss on your cheek and laughed.

"You're such a dork."

"And you're such a joke."

"Just like your life."
Otis tried looking for a comeback but couldn't instead he just laughed it off.He knew that you were the queen at roasting on people.That was also how the both of you met.But that's a story for another time,for now this was your story about your tooth.
I had so much writing this one shot.
bye 💙.

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