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fantastic beasts and where to find them crossover because i am trash for fbawtft.don't judge!!

the locked up muggle banged against every metal scrap that held him/her out fom the rest of the world.[s]he'd do anything to get out and just caress his cheek once let him tell him/her that everything was fine and that they could go home.

but it wasn't like

the big o wouldn't allow him/her to be the only muggle aware of the wizardry world.his/her memory had to be obliviated as well.

no one could,that was the rule.

todd knew better than to fall in love with a no-maj like the one who sat in the cell.

"let me out!!!"

todd would come.he was going to come back.[s]he kept telling [him]herself that he would.[s]he would count her stars until the brunette wizard would come back and help him/her out of the prison.


the excitement in her/his voice echoed throughout the basement of the prison like base.but the expression on the wizard turned her/his stomach upside down.

it was enough to turn any lovers stomach upside down.the wizard behind the brunette nudged him towards the no-maj that sat impatiently on the ground.

"t-todd!!you're alright!!they didn't hurt you!!"

"oi,hurry it up.we don't have all day,kilimnik."

the look on the no-maj's face fell and was overruled by a petrified wince.

"todd.w-what's happening?no.please....please..don't tell me they're taking you away."

"hurry it up before i do it myself.the big o has to see you once more after this."

the puzzles didn't fit into the girl/boy's head.there was so much to still be learned.but when the odd wizard reached for his wand and positioned it right above his/her brow,things got even more confusing.

[s]he'd finally understood.

"no.todd.please!!!don't do this!!please not to me."

hot tears strolled down the muggle's face as her/his cheek was pressured onto the cold metal.

"i'm sorry,[y/n]."he would take one finally look at the muggle he'd fallen in love with and wouldn't be able to find the correct pair of words.

his words had finally been found but they'd come out above a whisper."obliviate."


"oprah, will we ever sell juice boxes if you don't stop with drinking them yourself?"

[y/n][l/n] nudged her/his business partner before corrupting into funny laughter.the bell jingled at the right time for a new customer.

"how might we-oh.sir,it's just you.would you like your usual?"

an odd boy with brown locks and a single white strand running throughout the middle would come in at approximately the same time everyday.

"yes please."

that boy only visited the juice store to lay eyes on his obliviated lover once more and realize how he messed up with introducing him/her to the magical word of his.

[s]he could still be laughing with him only if [s]he hadn't opened his case and found mystical creatures.

"here you go!!"

his thoughts scurried back to the waiter/waitress no-maj that held his juice happily before him.

he gratefully took the juice box,begging for time to be frozen so he could allow his hand to hold his/hers one last final time before actually letting go.

"i have to go.see you at the regular time tomorrow,[y/n]."


mid-sentence the waiter/waitress stopped and called after the brunette boy.the odd wizard didn't look back at the muggle he only kept walking on with his day.

"how on earth did he learn your name?"

"no idea."

"it's in my belief that he fancies'll get to see him tomorrow any who."

ta-dah!!a oneshot finally posted!!

please comment on how you believe this crossover was.i would highly want to know on what to increase my knowledge.

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