New book?

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Finally,My OC gets a back story of her own.Don't worry all the agents we love will be in this book.So glad I got back to writing long books.

Let me get this straight,me and Todd are related (yes,related as in brother and sister related.Go ahead and freak out.)but WE are nothing alike.He likes to cause oddness,while I enjoy studying anything that isn't....odd.I'm a straight-A student while he doesn't really care about school,yet he was smarter then me in every way.

He was the reason I wanted to join Odd Squad from a very young age.He was my aspiration but when he revealed his true colors,I wasn't so sure I knew him any more.I worked for the Todd Squad for a bit,mainly cause I was curious,but because he forced me into it.

I remember the day my math teacher held me back,to talk to me in private like she had told me.She had told me about how I was way ahead of all the kids in my class and that the teachers -Staff she had meant to say- had already contacted Odd Squad for me to see if I could be permitted to go.

I had to admit,it was some what terrifying.Knowing my older brother,he would come between and ruin my chances to getting into the academy.Plus,his reputation wouldn't help me at all.In fact,people would turn away from me the minute I said that he was my older sibling.

I hate that he ruins everything he comes into contact with.It leaves no space for me to show who I really.It bothers me so much,but this is my destiny and I have to deal with it.

"Hey Ohana,sweetie,your application came back today.Well the letter came."I looked up and gave a simple sigh.It would be just an advanced warning that I wouldn't be able to receive word because I was still to wait.

Todd stormed down the stairs and growled.He honestly hated me for sending an application to the academy.He said,'they are a worthless bunch of geeks who want to make the world an oddless place.'His words,not mine.

My parents,on one hand,where pretty happy that I wanted to join Odd Squad.I had been wanting to join it for many years,but I never got the nerve to send word until a couple of years ago.(Two or three,to be exact.)

"Let me see."I grabbed the card out of my father's hand and scanned through the letter.Unexpectedly,it didn't start with a 'with our deepest regrets',instead it started with a 'we are glad to say'.I screamed,well squealed with excitement,and hugged the letter itself.

I had decided to read it aloud.

'Dear Ms.Kilimnik,

We are glad to say that our staff has overlooked your application, and we have to say that it was the most outstanding.We apologize for not reaching out sooner but due to reason we were to discuss it before.But we are proud to say that we have accepted you and we are happy to have you want to join the squad.

Of course,you will need to be at the academy before you are to become a field agent.Along the way,you will be able to meet some new agents.We also hope you follow our rule of'Do no odd',just for safety reasons.Please be sure to contact our offices to schedule a tour of the academy so you can begin studying as soon as possible.

Signed off,
Professor Olinski.'

My mother wore a happy expression on her face,I even saw some happy tears start to swell up in her eyes but I let it slip.My father continuously hugged and kissed my cheek proclaiming how proud I made him and that I was,'the most precious thing he was proud to have been blessed with'.

Todd only sent me and glare,pushing his bowl of cereal away with his feet,proclaiming he,quote-unquote,had lost his appetite and if he could be dismissed.No receiving a response,he stood up while our parents gushed over me and walked away.I swore he had mumbled to himself about how I was always the spoiled one.

I didn't hear what he said fully to himself but what I did hear was something that made my stomach churn.

"What's so great about Odd Squad,anyways?It's just a stupid bunch of kids solving stupid odd cases."

And with that out,he stomped up stairs.

Whatcha guys think?Here are some ships that are most likely to happen just because I am dedicating this book to some people.*cough*blue-oddity and darkspectrum*cough*


Just a sneak peek of my book for my OC Ohana.

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