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Guys......what the actual flip?????How is it that we made it to 10K??????I just want to really thank you all,if it weren't for all of you I would've never made it this far.

All I ever intended to get in my books was about 100 reads.This is the first book that has ever made it this far.Two years ago,I had even thought about deleting my account after my first three books didn't get as much reads as I wanted them to get.

I was upset.I wanted to cry for hours mainly because I worked so hard on my books and got nothing.No comments no votes no nothing!!!I was disappointed and eventually I just stopped using it all together.I started using it when I started getting in the Dan and Phil fandom.

I had loved Odd Squad from since the beginning and I shipped the characters with someone else in the show.The first books I came across was 'Ships Ahoy' and 'Odd Squad One Shots' by lilwoodb and -weirdos.They were my inspirations.

So,imagine my reaction when I saw the amount of reads I had when I opened up the app.I just hope we can get this book to 20k I have no words to explain how happy I am.I am so happy to be part of the Odd Squad fandom.


Thank you.


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