Real One?~OtisXOlympia

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No one knew this,but the Shapeshifter had managed to get into headquarters.She had managed to get in by shapshifting into different agents.She had entered as Obfusco,then turned into O'Malley,then transformed into Oona.

Otis and Olympia were in Ms.O's office,who had been alerted about the villain in headquarters.
"I need you to find her!!!Well?!!What are you waiting for?!!GO!!"

"I'm gonna go look for the Shapeshifter over by the Creature room.You can go see downstairs,if you like."
Otis had already come up with a plan as they were walking out of their boss' office.

"Alrighty.I'll go check downstairs!!"
Olympia ran off and did as she was told.

Otis smiled while shaking his head but turned around and was surprised to see Olympia standing in front of him.

She had just left.

Hadn't she?

Otis clutched his hand over his heart and tried getting his heartbeat to a normal pace.

"Hey partner!!!How you doing?"
Otis glared at her and stood up straight.

"You could have killed me."
He looked down and back at her.
"Anyways,didn't you JUST go downstairs to go look for the Shapeshifter?"

Olympia waved her hand in the air.
"Pfft.I thought it would be a better idea if we looked for her together."

Two heads were better than one,as they said.

He gave in and begun walking.

"You're right.Maybe splitting up wasn't such a good idea."
Otis walked down the hall that was next to the interrogation room.

"If you were the Shapeshifter,where would you be?"
Otis begun looking around.

"Why are you asking m-me?It's not like I'm her,because I'm definitely not her.I'm Olympia,an Odd Squad agent."
Olympia had a nervous smile on her face.She had slight sweat drops on her forehead and was acting very weird.

" was just a rhetorical question.I wasn't actually asking you."

Olympia wiped her forehead and giggled.

Nervously,of course.

"Partner,maybe she's already left headquarters.Let's just go work on our files,go on our computer,look through top secret things."



"What do you mean,'what?"

Olympia shrugged and begun walking to the right.

Olympia kept walking the wrong way and was smiling.


She stopped and turned around.

Otis motioned to his left.

"Our desks are that way."

"I knew that.I was just testing you to see if you knew where our desks where."
Olympia turned around and went towards the way that Otis had motioned for.

"You're acting weird."
Otis looked at her.

She wasn't doing her files.

Instead,she was rummaging through her desk,clicking things on her computer,and read things off folders.

That's when it hit Otis,this wasn't Olympia.

It was the Shapeshifter.

"I think I might be getting sick."
She hadn't even looked up from what she was doing.

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