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If I was an Odd Squad agent here is the nicknames I'd each agent:
Olive:Liv,Olive oil,Olive garden.
Oscar:Oscar Meyer (this is a ham brand 😂)
Ms.O:The boss.

These are awesome.💯💯😂😂
"And that's how the banana split."
Olympia kept laughing and looking at her banana.

Otis had a serious look and was looking down at the banana.

"How is that funny again?"
Olympia clutched her sides and kept laughing.
"Lym,I'm serious.

"Ok,ok.You don't have to get so.....crabby."
Olympia pulled out a crabapple and kept laughing even more.

"Why do you do this?"

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood.Make everyone laugh."
Otis sighed and stood up.

"We need to get working on our case."
Olympia stopped laughing and cleared her throat.

"But we're on our lunch break!!"

Otis looked down at his watch and sighed,once again.


Their lunch was supposed to have been done thirty minutes ago.But they had waste the time just laughing it away,mainly Olympia.

"Our lunch was over 30 minutes ago!!"
Otis had yelled in a stern voice.

Have you ever seen a puppy when it gets yelled at?That's what Olympia looked like that when Otis yelled at her.

All the agents were now looking at them.

Olympia threw her sack away and pushed through him.She knew he was right,he just didn't have to scream at her like that.

She stood outside of the trophy room,with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"Olympia,you know I didn't mean to scream at you.It's just that I want to-"
Olympia held her hands up and plastered a fake smile on.

"You want to get a head start on our cases so that we can beat Orson for the agent of the month award.I understand.....we should probably go."

Otis watched as she stormed off.


"O'Mara,send us to the warehouse of mirrors."

"Preparing to Squishinate."

Otis turned to his partner and pleaded.
"Can we just talk this out?"


Olympia walked off as soon as they came out of the tube system.

Otis was just five steps behind her,pleading to talk it out.

"Fine!!Let's talk!!"

Otis smiled and took his spot right next to her.

"First off,why are you mad?"

Olympia rolled her eyes but suddenly had a sad smile on her face.

"It....it just hurt you snap at me like that.I know that I was playing around but you didn't have to go and scream at me like what just happened."
Sh rubbed her forearm and turned a dark shade of red.

"Oh.....look....I'm really sorry I just didn't mean to do that.I know that I have those times when I have very serious moments and I'm sorry.I just want us to go well."
Otis covered his mouth once he realized what he meant.

"You want us to work out?What do you mean?"
Olympia felt her cheeks warming up.Even her ears were burning up.

"I like you."
He covered his mouth once again and blushed even harder.

"You like me?"
Otis nodded.

"I want us to work also.Not just a work relationship.Come on,let's go do this case so we have time to hang out."

The case turned out to about an evil doctor who had two brains.He had apparently tried turning the whole town into cheese.

But Odd Squad was there to fix it.

"Hey Otis?"


"This mission was really goey!!!"
There she went with her puns again.

"It was cool though."

Olympia laughed and shrugged.

"Cool like chedder!!!"

Otis chuckled and looked at her.

"You have to admit that that was terrible."
Olympia nodded and smiled.

"It was terrible.Almost as terrible as smelly cheese."
Otis laughed and picked up a cheese wheel.

"You better stop.Your puns are very cheesy."
Both bursted into laughter as they tried cleaning the whole cheese mess.
Oh my gosh what jesus was this?😂 😂 😂
I really hope one of you got who the villain was.First one gets a chapter dedicated.

*throws honey at your face*

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