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Dedicated to lilwoodb because I know she ships these two.

She sighed and watched the last of her agents,Okja,walk out with tears in his eyes and his hand running over the spot that had once held his official Odd Squad badge.

She massaged each side of her temples,guilt rapidly building up inside of her,she quickly got a glimpse of her partner-whom had decided to look over the abandoned headquarters.

"I can't believe they beat us,Otto.Weird Team actually brought Odd Squad down."

The doughnut that stood motionless at his side of the office laid in the same place she had put it for him in the morning,hours before being told the news.


He continued to look out the office.It wasn't possible.Weird Team hid something and used it to get above Odd Squad.It was the defeat of the competition that brought him down,but what also saddened him was that he'd only been with the squad for less than two years.

Olive slithered out of her desk and made her way towards her partner,gently placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Why,Olive?Wha-why didn't Odd Squad see this coming?How could the Big O just give in and sell the squad to Tom?"

He turned,brushing Olive's hand off his shoulder.

"Oscar had mentioned something about the squad having less fundings and some squads even having to cut back on activities last time we met.

He told me they cut off his cheese wrestling classes along with the soccer with dinosaurs class.Otto,perhaps because with no more odd cases,the squad would go broke."

A slight pout collapsed on her lips and she slumped onto the couch purple couch that stood inches away from her.Just the mention of his name brought her down.

It had been mere weeks,maybe even two months,since the last sighting of both her and Oscar.It had been those times before Weird Team had shown up that she wished she could spend once more with him.

"You haven't spoken to him in a while,I believe."

She couldn't find any words but only let a simple nod answer his statement.He found himself trying to consult her but could only envelope her in a hug.

"I think it's time we pack our things and lock up the building.Weird Tom's folks should be arriving at any moment."

She watched Otto as he remained at his desk as he stared at a picture of him with her,a picture they'd taken when they became friends.

"I'll lock up behind you,partner.See you around?"

She nodded,a saddened expression showing up in the spotlight,and walked away.This was the end.The end of Odd Squad.The end of her friendship with Otto.The end between her and Oscar.



Her heart became completely frozen as the blonde appeared and her mouth fell into utter shock.His eyes scrambled to meet hers and when they did,he shot a warm smile to her.

How she had missed that loveable smile always plastered on his face,not to mention the make-you-older-inator had done him good.

She wanted to run to him and hug him,this had to be mature-she told herself-besides this was no time to acknowledge him,Weird Team was more important at the moment.

"Hey Olive,haven't seen you in a while,heh."

She jumped at the sound of the newly deepened voice from the blond,the wind almost being knocked out of her.

"Hey Oscar.How is it running all the scientists?"

She jumped over a rock and smiled,enough to show her dimples.He clung onto his newly sewed lab coat and followed her steps.

"Uh...it was odd at first but I hope I'll gt used to it,eventually.Heh.You?What's it like to be the headhuncho of the agents?"

She smiled,a smile that was bigger than when she had played with the Bears nights ago.

"It's alright.With the tips that Ms.-OPRAH gave me,I find it slightly easier to do so.Otto enjoys working with the agents."She stopped,she had suddenly forgot about Oscar but had brought her attention to the statement that she proclaimed.Her smile withered away and corrected herself."Used to.He used to enjoy it."

The blonde stopped and glanced at Olive.Even playing with the Bears for every night couldn't help her bring her thoughts out of what had happened the weeks before.

"I'm sorry,Olive."

Her ponytail fell on her shoulder whilst she shook her head and followed along with the rest of the agents.

"Doing this will hopefully get us our jobs but I'll be content if we defeat Tom."

"Hey,perhaps you want to go to Delivery Debbie's after this-you know if we do go as planned.Maybe we could catch up.Is it alright?"

For what seemed to be the umpteenth time,she nodded and smile-she mentally laughed at herself for looking somewhat like a bobblehead.

"I would like that."



There's the promised Olive/Oscar.One out of ten one shots that I said I would do before officially abandoning this book.It's not one of my best prompts but I felt bad for not leaving any recent updates.

Hope you enjoyed.How would you guys feel if I made an Odd Squad/Reader book?I enjoyed writing them a lot but I just want to know what you guys think.

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