Now What?-ToddXOlive

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How would you guys feel if I wrote a full length OS book again?It's been a while since I wrote one.This would be the first chapter of 'Now What?' If I write my book.Would you guys read it?
"But Ms.O,I'm fine.I really should help clean headquarters."
The young girl kept insisting her boss,who was getting checked out by another doctor from Orville's squad,until the little girl would give in.

"Olive,you and every other agent need to go home.Mainly you.Look at you,your ears have cream in them.You need to get them clean or they could damage your hearing."
Ms.O tightened the towel around herself and jumped off the bed.
"I insist you go home and tidy up.And maybe after a week,you may come back.After all,that is when your partner will come to meet you."

Olive had lost the argument but Ms.O had ALL the reasoning.She really did need to go home to get the cream out of her ears.Not to mention,process everything of what just happened.Oscar had risked his own life to help her fix something that HER partner had caused.

Oscar......OSCAR!!Crumpets,I hope he's alright.

Olive slightly nodded and looked around the small clinic room.She didn't see Oscar anywhere near her.Maybe he had already gone home.

"Hi-ho.Hey guys,I just came back from placing the pienado back,"
Olive shuddered.It would be a while before she even got close to a pie.Or anything that was related to pie.
"it shouldn't get loose any time soon."

Olive ran to him and hugged him tightly.She didn't care if everyone was looking at her,she just cared that Oscar was safe and sound.Wounded,but safe.

"What's this for?"
Oscar looked down at her and didn't hesitate to hug her back.

"For being my human shield.Thank you,Oscar.A lot."
Olive pulled away and turned back,once again,to Ms.O.
"Ms.O,how could Todd've done this?He was the BEST agent on the squad.I can't believe he would do all this harm."

Ms.O slightly nodded her head in agreement.This wasn't the first time that an agent had turned against them.There had been Olga,back when she ran her juice stand,O'Brien (but he had only tube blocked people,which annoyed them.He even had the nerve to tube block MS.O.He didn't really cause oddness though.And she was too scared to even confront him.But she knew he wasn't right for the job.)There had also been many other agents before SHE had even joined or even begun running her squad.

But it was such a shame watch a good agent transform into something else.She remembered back when she was an agent that there had also even been an agent in-training that had gone Odd.He had gone by 'Om' but when he refused to work in a team,he begun working solo.Leaving Odd Squad he vowed to make Odd Squad pay for not letting him do what he wanted.

"Yes,it is a shame watching him turn into what he is now.But,people can change Olive.People change when they get bored of their old persona."
The little girl sighed when she realized that her braided bun had fallen apart.
"Now I need a new hair style.And a juice box."

Oscar ran a finger through one of his curls and shrugged when he got some cream on it.

"I think it's the best idea to send everyone home."
Ms.O took off her towel off and threw it on the floor.
"Agents,please help Octavia and Oren.Poor kids,completely covered in cream.Maybe we should get the clean up crew."

Olive did as she told but swore she heard Ms.O saying,
"In Jackalope's name,the government should pay the clean up crew for every big mess they clean up.I can imagine how angry they will be when they see this."
Maybe it was her,but she knew she heard something.

"Agent Octavia,are you ok?"
Olive helped the tall blonde up and pulled out her towel-inator.
"Let me get you a towel."
And handed it over to Octavia.

She was too in shock to even say anything but she gratefully took the cream off and wiped it around her face.
"Thanks Olive!!"

Oscar,on the other hand,was helping agent Oren out of a huge puddle of cream.Oren had barely joined the squad.He was nine and was very nice,but lately he had begun acting very snobby.

Nobody knew but he acted very snobby to hide the sadness inside of him because he hadn't gotten a partner yet.Octavia had also barely joined the squad but she already had her partner.

It isn't fair.
He would think to himself.

Oscar looked back over to Olive,whom sat on the stairs trying not to cry.He knew she was on the verge of crying when he saw her throw her head backwards and blinking fast.

He saw that she quickly wiped the corner of her eyes and plaster a fake smile on her lips.
"Don't do this Olive.You'll only hurt yourself."

She sighed and hugged herself.
"I'm hurt.I thought he wasn't full of oddness.But he was fake.And....I really thought he was my friend."

Oscar awkwardly looked at her as she went on and on about her ex partner.He had no clue of what to do to her so,he just awkwardly hugged her.She didn't expect it but she let it happen and it was when she began her sobs.

"You were a great partner Olive.And if Todd didn't see that,he's as blind as.....a blind man.Not trying to offend blind people,obviously."
Olive rested her head on his shoulder and wiped her tears away with her sleeve.She lazily ran her hand through her ponytail.

"'re right.He's hurt me.And right now I can't feel anything except.....anger towards him.That's all I feel for him.And disappointment."
She wrapped her arms around herself,shaking her head and sniffling.

"Maybe if you go home and get some rest you'll eventually feel better."
Oscar pushed his glasses up his nose and let out a nervous laugh.
"It's just a suggestion."

"You're right,"
She turned around to look at agents Oren,Octavia,Dr.O,and Owen rushing all over the place trying to fix things or help other agents or run some calls.
"I probably should.I think I need to clean the filling out of my ears."

Olive looked down and sighed.Maybe,just maybe,if she did get some rest she would eventually stop thinking of Todd.

Fast forward years later
and Olive would be telling her partner
the whole story of her and her old partner,Todd.
So?????What'd ya guys think?

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