New Year's Kiss |OttoXOlive and Ms.OXOscar

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Time was ticking away and Ms.O didn't help by counting down.In fact,this was making Otto very nervous.He was planning on giving Olive a kiss exactly at 12 o'clock he had been really excited to do it but-but he felt like Olive would punch him or even slap him.

With two minutes remaining,he decided not to kiss her.Only because she might punch him.Instead,he'd hug her and wish her a happy New Year.This was low-key but it was still something.

One minute remaining.

"59,58,57,56,55,54,53..."For a moment he ignored, Ms.O's count down,and turned to his partner and smiled.She was shivering but was smiling ear to ear.

"Olive,I want to spend this year with you,i've fallen in love with you since the first day that I saw you.I know you might hate me but I want you to know how I feel."

"45,44,43,42,41,40,39..."Otto had expected a slap or a yell from Olive but instead,she was still smiling and blushing.Either she was blushing or was so mad her cheeks were turning red.

"Otto,I.....I don't know what to say but-"

"It's ok.You don't have to say anything.I knew you didn't feel the same way.I should've kept my mouth shut.I'm sorry Olive.I-"She held up a hand,technically saying 'Hush for a moment'

"I never said that.All I said was that I don't know what to say but that I feel the same way too.I fell in love with shortly after our first cases together.I felt like we connected."

"15,14,13,12,11,10...."They were looking into each others eyes,as the final seconds of 2015 were going.

"5,4,3,2,1.HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

Olive and Otto smiled at each other before they both leand in and shared a glorious first kiss of 2016.They now had every right to say that they began New Year's together.

Even though they were still kissing,Ms.O was fangirling as she saw her OTP kissing.She always knew that they'd end up together,no matter what.She had to admit,it hurt to see them kiss as she wanted a kiss from her love.

Sadly she watched Olive and Otto talking,when she felt someone tap her on the shoulder.It was Oscar.He was blushing like crazy and was holding something behind his back.

"Hey Ms.O."

"Oh...hey Oscar."

He cleared his throat as he handed her a juice box.The little girl looked at the box,totally confused.Why was he giving her a juice box?

"I just want to share a juice box with you.You know,our first juice box together of 2016.If you don't want to,we don't have to."

She shook her head and patted the spot next to her,montioning to Oscar to sit next to her."Thank you."

"I also have this other gift for you."

"What is-"Before she could even finish her sentence,the blond haired boy pressed his lips against her lips.Oprah felt as if she'd melt on that very place.Once Oscar pulled away,he looked ashamed.

"I'm sorry're the boss and I'm the scientist.It won't work."He began trying to find words to explain but he felt like he only made it worse.

"It's all right.I enjoyed it.Cheers?"She held up her juice box in between them.

"Cheers."He smiled as he looked up at the night sky.Fireworks,still going off,made the sky look even prettier.The little one put her head on the older one's shoulder.Olive and Otto were walking towards them,hand in hand.

"Hey guys.Ready to head back?"

"Can we enjoy the night sky first?"

They both took a seat next to their boss and smiled.The four of them had to admit,this was the best New Year's ever.And it'd be the one they'd remember for a lifetime.
Hey babies,I know it's short but I ran out of an idea for this oneshot.If you'd like to request,please comment or PM me.Until next time,I'm honey and I'll see you next chapter.

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