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I ship these two but please imagine that they are other characters if you'd like.So yea.Enjoy....or don't.....YAAAAYY!
This is an AU where Oona is older than Oscar.And where her family faces some tough times.

Song to listen while reading:
Into you
By Ariana Grande
Soundcheckfan wants to talk to you.

Oona placed her chin on her knee and bit her lip.She bluffed but was it worth talking to some person who,by the way,she didn't even KNOW.But you have to talk to people at some point right?

"Should I answer?Or should I not?This is hard to decide.Yet,I don't have anyone to talk to for right now.So............maybe I should answer...Ugh!!I don't know!!I'm going to answer."

Labgeek has approved your request.

Labgeek:Hi!!'s life?

Labgeek:it could be going better.But I guess it's ok.


Just as Oona was going to start typing,she heard screaming downstairs and rolled her eyes.Fighting,like always.The Henderson residence wasn't the most 'calm' place you could go to.Mostly because Mr. And Mrs.Henderson spent most of their time screaming at the other.

"You don't even try defending youeself in front of me!!"

"Why should I?!!You obviously don't care!!"

A small knock scared Oona,making her drop her phone.A small blonde walked in.He was clutching his bear,Norman,while rubbing his red,teary eyes with the free hand.

"One.....c-can I be in here with you?"
The brunette teen nodded and patted the spot next to her.

"Come sit down."
She watched the little boy waddle over to her bed and she couldn't help but smile while watching him.The cute part was that he was wearing a bear onesie,so he looked like a bear cub.

Labgeek:It's just family problems.

Soundcheckfan:Ah.r u ok though?

Labgeek:I'm fine.

Labgeek:So...can I have info on what u r?

Soundcheck:What do u mean?

Labgeek:I wamt to know if the person is a murderer or a twelve year old or maybe even some old guy.


Soundcheckfan:Talk about hurting feelings.

Labgeek:How did I break your feelings?How do I know if you're even human?!!


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