I can't~OonaXOscar

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I ran as fast as I could down the street.I just had to get away from the world.From Todd.From Olive.And from Otis.Why was it him that delivered the pizza that day?Why wasn't it someone else instead it was him!!My dress was soaking wet and I knew that my flower crown had fallen off in the dark and fallen into the sewer drains.

Once I reached Cinnamon street I headed towards the light blue house and broke the back door with a rock.I pushed my hand inside,getting a few cuts on my arm,to let myself in and slammed the door.I rummaged through the halls until I came face to face with the familiar rooms.

I opened the door that belonged to my old room and cried.I closed it and went back to the hall.I saw my mom's old room.No.I can't open it.I wouldn't.I don't want that memory of me screaming over and over again.I don't want that image of me finding my mom.

Why did Oksana get what she wanted?Why did Olympia and Otis have to get what they wanted?Why-why does everyone get to have parents but.....but I don't?Why does the world hate me?

I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the doorknob.Shaking,I opened up the door.I closed my eyes and walked inside.On the rug,there was still marks from my mom's bed frame.My heart had stopped and I sat on the place where the edge of the bed would be.

I brought my knees to my chest and let everything that was inside out.No more pretending.No more being the nice girl.No more of the weak girl I was.Not anymore.

But for now I just wanted to be here.In that same place.I needed my mommy.And my daddy.I covered my face with my hands and cried a hurricane into them.

After a while I heard shuffling.And a person popped out.

The end.jk.
The shuffling seemed to be headed my way.I didn't know what to do.I was more sad then scared but when Oscar opened the door,I softly smiled.

"Hey O.O."He straightened his tie and carefully sat down next to me."You want to talk about this?You left the ceremony without saying a word.Olive said you just ran out,knocking over the lemonade."I looked away and stared at the corner of the bed.

"This is where,"I paused and let out a whimper.It hurt talking about it."where my mom......k.....killed herself."Oscar had his eyes close and he obviously had no idea what to say."Oscar......Otis's mom was......was the one who found me screaming and called the ambulance."

Oscar turned to face me.Our eyes met and he placed a hand on my cheek,to wipe away the tears."O.O I am sorry you went through that."I placed my head on his shoulder and cried hard.Even harder then before.

"The chemistry club was the only thing I had before Oksana made me quit."I shifted into a better position and hugged his shoulder."Oscar......I just can't live like this anymore.I want my mommy."

"Hey.Just because some boy you thought that gave you the note was him doesn't mean life is over."He looked at me and gave me his dorky smile."Life can only get better.You know that.I know that."

"True.But I still kind of want to know who gave me the note."It was pitch black now,thanks to the street lamps turning off,but I could tell he was tensing up.I wonder why.

"We should probably head back to the ceremony.We called your grandma and she's on her way over.You alright?"I stood up and gave him a fake toothy smile.

"Peachy keen.Let's go."

"Hey Oona?"I stopped in my tracks and saw Oscar looking out the window.


"I....nevermind.I really hope you feel better."I traced the corner of the wall and sighed.Oscar is always worried about me.Just like Olive.


I remember that day.The day my mom moved to a better life.It was a stormy night,just like today,and it was midnight.I had a nightmare and wanted to sleep with my mom.

"Mom?"I hugged my jackalope even tighter and opened up the door to her room.I saw her laying in her bed.At first I thought she was asleep."Mommy,can I sleep here with you?I had a nightmare."I walked towards her when she didn't respond.

I shook her over and over again but still,she wouldn't move."Mommy!!Wake up!!"I shook her once more and that was when she fell flat on her back.My eyes swelled up with tears,my jackalope fell to the ground and my mouth was covered in shock.

Blood.Blood.Blood.It was what I saw when I finally removed th covers off her.I placed my hand on her weak body,covering myself in blood as well,and shook her.I let out a frantic scream and ran out of the house.I bumped into Otis's mom.

"Sweetie,are you ok?I heard screaming and came to check what was wrong."I was too in shock to even answer.I just pointed to my house and ran into my backyard,up my treehouse ladders.

I tried into my knees for hours.My eyes had seen things I didn't want to see.I watched the ambulance pull my mom away.I wathed neighbors walk out onto the streets and ask each other what happened.I even saw my gramps cry.He never cried.

"Sweet pea.Let me hold you."I smacked my body onto his chest and grabbed ahold of his shirt,scared that he would also leave me.I then heard him sniffle and he turned into tears.

At around two or three in the morning,I knew I was sick.My throat burned.My head hurt alot.I had the sniffles.I had many other things.As I was walking to the restroom,all I remember is my grandma sitting up and watching me go to the restroom.
The next thing I knew,I was grabbing tightly onto the closet doorknob and then I fell to the ground.

"Oona!!George help me take her to her-"I had one Tylenol and felt a little better but I still felt like trash.

I felt better when Olive came to visit.She even got me flowers and ice cream,which she mostly ate by herself,just to try to make me feel better.I was disappointed when she told me that Oscar was in photography camp.He never told me he like photography,yet I never asked.

I never knew that I had fallen for my best friend,until the past few days.I jut never thought that I,Oona Henderson,would fall for my best friend and brother,Oscar Martinez.
Short oneshot.This will be a chapter in my book 'The Boy on Cinnamon Street'So y'all got a bonus look. :)
Love you guys.

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