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Enjoy my edits!!!I know this one is short but oh whale 🐳
"Thanks for all your help,agents."Each agent was handed an ice cream sandwich as they were lead towards the door."I'm sorry you had to see how.....unique? godfather is.He goes crazy when someone messes with his food.It's intriguing,actually."The girl with (H/C) hair let out a small chuckle but couldn't keep her stare away from the agent with a tan skin color.

"We're just doing our job."The agent,with her hair pulled back into a ponytail,retrieved her sandwich with a warm smile on her face."This is my partner,Agent Otto."

The girl that stood in the doorway crossed her arms in front of her chest,turned back to look over her shoulder (where her godfather and his guests had begun an argument about which shape was the best.),and turned to the agents once more."So you're the agent that replaced Odd Todd?Nice to meet you."She held out her hand for the boy to shake.

"Pleasure is all mine.I didn't get your name though."Otto gave her a warm toothy smile.The shorter girl tried hiding a smirk from her partner.

"[Y/N].[Y/N] Pentagon."It took a minute for it to sink in,then he realized what it meant.She was the grand daughter,maybe the daughter,of the General.The General of the Shape Army.She realized that he had finally let it sink in,letting out a giggle before saying,"Yes.General Pentagon is my grandpa."

"Whoa...."was all that he let out.Stunned as ever,he turned to his partner and gave her a look that read,'how did I not see it before?'.She replied with a firm,'you didn't ask!'."Is that why you were carrying that little (f/c) Pentagon purse?"

She acknowledged the question with a nod."Yeah.My grandpa gave it to me for my birthday."She looked Olive's way and bursted into laughter.Liv knew Y/N well.

Y/N and Olive had gone to the same elementary school,long before Liv applied for the Odd Squad Academy.They had been friends as long as that.To this day,both girls met up no matter where they where.So when Olive saw that shimmering light in her eyes,it was a sign.A sign that she developed a crush on someone,she just didn't know it then and there.

But,there it was.It was obvious to Olive in the way she laughed with Otto.

They're meant to be.She thought. They just need to know each other more and maybe until they're slightly older.

"Nice."He shifted on his feet.Back and forth until he decided to break off the silence."Someone has to acknowledge the elephant in the room.And no,I'm not talking about that pet elephant."He pointed to an elephant,laying peacefully in a corner snoring away."Do you like Soundcheck?"He blurted out.

"Uh....yeah?A little.Some of-"She was interrupted by Otto.He began to fanboy over their newest single,'You Times Love'.A small laugh escaped both girls lips.Olive knew that [Y/N] was as interested as other people into Soundcheck.She just found them ok."I personally like,(name your favorite Soundcheck Song.)."

"Maybe we could go see them if they ever play those songs."

"Maybe.But,I just wanted to thank you both for the job you did for my 'family'."She laughed.She had a positive attitude,from what Otto thought.She leaned in and hugged Olive before turning to Otto and giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

The girl had to stand on her tippy toes to kiss him but he didn't mind.He liked getting a kiss from her." problem."

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