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"Olympia?"The blonde boy looked on over to his best friend/coworker, smiled and tried once more to contain her attention.


The aurburn girl waved him off and continued to stress herself on her paperwork.She'd been sick all last week,due to her ham and cheese allergy,thanks to Oona-who accidentally set off a ham-and-cheese-inator.She had,sadly,been held back with all her work once she returned to work.

Otis had tried to convince her to stop and leave her job for just a few hours.Olympia wouldn't budge.She was too deep with all her work.

"Can't.Busy.Talk later.Must work.",is what she responded to Otis when he called on her a fourth time.

"Olympia,doing all this paperwork isn't healthy for you.Let me help you."


Olympia continued to complain and reach out for the files that Otis had pulled out of her grasp.

"No.You're taking a break whether you like it or not.Doing all this work just isn't healthy for you."

Olympia sighed and finally pulled back in her chair.She sniffled and rubbed her,still runny,nose on a tissue.If she couldn't beat him,why not give in?What was the worst that could happen?

Otis arranged all her files for him to pick up and carry them.Half of them went into her arm while he tried balancing the other half on the top of his head.

"Let me help you."

"No.I got this."

The blonde boy immediately gave her a look that showed he could do it.


The Debby Ryan look-alike girl waved at each agent and gave them a happy grin.Her pigtails jumped when turning to her right.

"How are my two favorite agents today?"

Olympia took ten of the files from Otis' arm and shrugged.

"Pretty great.Thanks for asking.How about you?"

O'Donnell ran to the boy's side and captured the manilla folders that were almost going to wind up scattered around the floor.

"Awesome,thanks for asking.Well,where are you two headed?"

"Library.Is it alright if we send the files down the tubes later?I have something to show Olympia after we finish."

The tube operator nodded in response to the boy's question.She took her spot in the chair and awaited for the agents to take their spots upon the tubes.

She bit her lip to hide a laugh that begged to be let out when she saw how much they began to struggle with the files once again.

"Preparing to squishinate!!"

She pressed buttons to both her left and right before giving the agents a tilt of her head to inform them of their departure in any moment.


Either agent was squished into pods and they found themselves traveling through under the earth.

"I wonder if Oona ever got her rainbow and lighting pod."

"Maybe she did."

They were greeted by Mr.Fonts as they popped from behind his desk.

"Evening Mr.Fonts.How has,'Abstract Life As A Potato'been coming along?"

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