How to be a heartbreaker

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So this is on Olympia and Otis form.It was initially going to be Olive and Todd but no.My idea came for this when I was crying my eyes out in the shower.I had a change of heart.But I wanted to do this in Non-odd squad form.

I just want your guy's thoughts.Should I make a book like this?Tell me in the comments.
Ok,let's get this straight.I was never much of a heartbreaker before the whole situation.Come to think of it,I never really was the romantic type.

I was usually preoccupied with work and school.My mom always told me,
'Lym,it took me nine months to make your heart.So,don't let someone break it in fifteen seconds.'

I never knew how right she was until I met Otis,the school's bad boy.It was funny how he noticed a nerd,like me.

But he liked me.He really,really liked me.

And I liked him back.

Or so I thought 'til I gave him my heart and he just ran over it with a truck.It broke me.It sent me to my break in point.

And like that,our relationship was on and off.

I lost many friends and all because of him.None approved of him.But I was too quote -unquote- 'in love'.

So after our fifteenth beak up,I had a change of heart.I would never let any guy run over me like he did.So I came up with my own rules.

I call them,'How To Be A Heartbreaker.'

So far,they've worked.And because I'm such a good person,I'll share them with you.(In case YOU ever find yourself in this type of situation.)

Rule #1:Never let any of their "sweet" compliments get to your head.Let them know that you like it and when they least expect it,poof.Break their heart!!!

Maybe the first rule is a little too harsh.But it comes very handy sometimes.I've tested it out.Many times.

Rule #2:Let him know that you're the one in control of the relationship.

I haven't really come to a consion wit this one but it can come in handy.

You may ask yourself,
'How did a nerd like her,become such a rude person?'

I already said one way how.But also after watching my parents fight over and over each year.I grew bored of the feeling people call "Love".

Someone always ends up hurt in the relationship.Who is that person?

Hint,hint.IT'S ALWAYS ME.

I never think I will find true love.

Rule #3:Always throw the break up in his face when he doesn't see it coming.

Someone will get hurt in the relationship,but for sure it won't me or you.

Basically,you'll be a cruel heartbreaker.
*turns music off*

Hola Bonita people.Lmao.😂😂
I feel high.No I'm don't.Just in such a fucken good mood.😂😂

I'm preggers!!!!

Bye guys.✌

Jk.😂😂I'm too young to have a baby.I barley starts high school.

Don't have sex,because you will get pregnant and die.💀

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