Chapter 5 - The (Fake) Wedding

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RJ and Dei stood in front of each other, both laughing quietly at the absurdity of the situation. Matt stood in the middle, pretending to be the wedding officiant, and taking his role very seriously.

Matt really went all out on this fake wedding ceremony. Their town hall area had been transformed to look like a garden. There were fake vines hanging down the walls and actual flowers decorating the aisle. Rose petals were also scattered on the floor.

They were made to dress up in actual wedding attires and the people who were invited to join the celebration were in formal wear too. One of the motion pictures staffs was tasked to take a video of the whole thing, which will be posted after editing later in the day. Both RJ and Dei rode along but they couldn't help laughing.

"You're about to make promises to each other that you intend to keep," Matt began

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"You're about to make promises to each other that you intend to keep," Matt began. "You're going to vow to take care of each other, to stand up for one another, and find happiness in the other. There's a simple premise to each of these promises: you're vowing to be there. You're teaming up and saying to the other, 'Every experience I am going to have, I want you to be a part of.'" he said the last part with much reiteration and he was getting overly dramatic.

"Will you, RJ, keep Dei as your favorite person - to laugh with her, go on adventures with her, support her through life's tough moments, be proud of her, and find new reasons to love her every day?"

RJ took a deep breath to stifle his laughter before answering, "I will."

Matt asked the same to Dei and she nodded and said "I will," with a wide smile.

"Will you be each other's partners from this day forward? Will you bring out the best in one another, share your happiest moments together, and love each other absolutely - for the rest of the three month period and for whatever may come next?"

They glanced at each other and Dei noticed RJ's smile falter for a second. He took a deep breath before they both answered "We will."

"RJ, you may now kiss the bride!" Matt exclaimed excitedly.

"We aren't going to kiss," Dei told Matt. "I think a fist bump is enough." she said.

RJ nodded and smiled at her again. They raised their fists and did a fist bump.

Their co-workers whined in protest and started chanting for them to kiss.

"Go on guys, just for fun!" Matt encouraged, his hands placed over his heart as he waited with bated breath.

RJ ran his fingers through his hair and smiled shyly at her, and then he stepped closer. Dei felt herself freeze to the spot as RJ made another step, now looking deeply in her eyes. She gave a nervous laugh when he moved his hand to touch her chin and inched closer.

He leaned in, inching his face closer very slowly, and their co-workers started screaming and jumping in anticipation

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He leaned in, inching his face closer very slowly, and their co-workers started screaming and jumping in anticipation. Matt stood a foot away, clutching his heart.

"RJ..." Dei whispered uncertainly.

"Trust me." he whispered back, and kissed her lightly just on the corner of her lips.

Dei felt her heartbeat go on overdrive as she felt RJ's lips touch the skin on her face just below her cheek and very close to her mouth

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Dei felt her heartbeat go on overdrive as she felt RJ's lips touch the skin on her face just below her cheek and very close to her mouth. His lips didn't touch hers but she could feel an electric current traveling from the spot he kissed, to her lips and all over her body. Her knees felt weak all of a sudden.

Their audience erupted in screams and applause and Matt was beside himself with glee that he had to hold on to one of their co-workers beside him for support.

RJ looked at her as he pulled away, trying to gauge her reaction after the kiss and saw her breathing hard and looking at the flowers she was holding. The smile was gone from her face.

RJ bit his lip and took her hand. "I'm sorry," he whispered as their co-workers continued their celebration around them, oblivious to the awkwardness that had started building between the two again.

Dei looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "It's okay," she whispered back. "Part of the job."

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