Chapter 81 - Stars

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"Wake up, princess," RJ whispered, kissing Dei's forehead. "We're flying to South Dakota today."

"What time is it?" Dei asked sleepily, wrapping her arms tighter around his waist.

"It's 10 AM," he answered.

"Too early," she muttered and snuggled deeper into his chest.

RJ chuckled. "It's almost noon, babe. You might get a headache."

It was Wednesday morning, and the night before, they had gone to watch an 8 PM showing of Hedwig on Broadway. After that, they went to Union Hall - a live music bar and restaurant in Fifth Avenue where they had late dinner and watched indie artists perform their music. RJ told Dei that he used to play there with his old band and sure enough, some of the crew still remembered him. They got back to the hotel before midnight but didn't sleep until 2 in the morning.

"You smell like heaven," Dei suddenly said, her voice muffled by his shirt. She inhaled deeply. "I can stay nestled here, deep in your chest, the whole day."

"That sounds great, babe, but I think this one sounds better: what about we get up now, take a shower together, head on to our flight, and we can watch the actual heavens by nighttime. And then we'll cuddle inside the tent and you can nestle back into my chest," he told her, grinning in amusement at Dei's clinginess.

"Hmm, you're right. That sounds great," she agreed and got up.

They had brunch at the hotel cafe and then went back to their hotel room to pack their things. Their plan was to head to the lodge near Badlands National Park to check in their things before the hike, and then will stay there the next day after they get back from the trail.

RJ was securing their suitcases when he received a text. He read the message and frowned.

"Who texted?" Dei asked, looking at him from the vanity mirror.

"Tim," he replied. "He said he's going to Castle Trail too and wanted to join our hike."


"It's okay, I guess. But I was hoping to do this trip with just you." RJ said, looking at her.

"Me too. Can't you tell him to go there some other time. I mean he's already in the US, it's easier for him," Dei said, unable to keep the annoyance from her voice. "I really just wanna have you all for myself on that trip," she added, her mouth a thin line.

RJ grinned and walked over to her. "You're being extra clingy today, I love it." he said, hugging her tight.

"Seriously though, can't you tell him we just want to be alone?" Dei muttered against his chest.

"Well I don't know how to without being rude. But I guess we don't have to worry since he's bringing his girlfriend," RJ said.

"He has a girlfriend?" Dei asked, surprised.

"Well sort of. Tim's a player. He doesn't do relationships. Pretty much the same as how I was in those three years before I met you," RJ told him.

"Ugh, another fuckboy," Dei said, unable to hide her disgust as she let go of RJ. "I hate him already."

"Ouch," RJ said, clutching his chest.

"You're different, babe, you know that." Dei told him.

RJ grinned. "Only because of you, babe." he said. "Anyway, don't worry. I'm sure those two will be all over each other to even notice us."

"I certainly hope so," Dei muttered.


They got to the lodge at around 4 PM and they checked in right away. Tim and his girlfriend was already on their way so they had to wait for them before they could begin their hike.

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