Chapter 93 - LQ

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RJ followed Dei to the dining hall but let himself trail a few feet behind. He was furious and it didn't help that Dei was acting the way she did. He was not going to beg her to talk to him just like that. He felt that if he did, she wouldn't be able to understand why he was so mad.

He had half a heart on turning back and just driving away as he watched Dei walking briskly while totally ignoring him, but he knew that that would just cause a bigger problem. Plus he really couldn't just leave Dei that way.

When they arrived at the table, Dei sat on her chair at once and began an animated conversation with Lily and Stef. He sighed and smiled at James.

"Hey, dude!" James greeted him "I'm glad you could come."

He went on to introduce Lance - Stef's boyfriend, and Carlo, who both gave him a friendly nod, and he acknowledged them too.

"Have something to eat, RJ," James said, handing him a plate. "Dei hasn't eaten yet," he added in a whisper as he nodded in her direction.

RJ sighed again and took a seat next to her.

"James said you haven't eaten yet," he whispered to her. "Join me."

"I'm not hungry," she muttered.

"So RJ, what made you finally come?" Lily asked, just as he was about to reprimand Dei for her stubbornness. "Dei told us this afternoon that you really won't be able to make it."

RJ scratched the back of his neck. "Well... I wanted to surprise her," he replied, smiling at Lily.

"And I was surprised, alright. You were always very good at surprises, babe." Dei said, turning to him with a fake smile and her voice dripping with sarcasm.

RJ chewed on his lip and looked at her darkly.

But Lily couldn't catch on. "You guys are absolutely adorable. I hope you stay that sweet forever. Keep the surprises coming, and the love of course," she said, gushing. "Dei, promise me I'd be one of the godmothers for your first born, okay?"

"Hey, me too!" Stef interjected as she sat on Lance's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Dei smiled at them. "Of course," she said and RJ found himself letting out a sigh of relief.

After dinner, Stef and Lance initiated a card game. They were teamed up in pairs: Dei with RJ, Lily with James, Stef with Lance and Carlo with... well Carlo had to play solo.

They were dealt with four cards each team and they had to pass a card around until they are able to get four matching cards in their hands. The first team to get it has to place the hands of each member on the table at the same time. Whichever team does it last has to take a shot, same with the couple who wouldn't be able to put their palm flat on the table at the same time. That was the catch - each pair had to be synchronized.

Naturally, it wasn't the best night for Dei and RJ to play that game. They were both distracted and their competitiveness worked against them. It was a good thing that both of them don't get drunk too easily, or at least Dei thought she doesn't.

"Let me take that shot, you're drunk," RJ said as he watched her pick the shot glass up with trembling hands.

For the first time in her life, she was starting to feel nauseous from the alcohol, but she didn't want to show everyone that. She had never ever been drunk before but her empty stomach seemed to be working against her favor. She placed the glass on her lips but RJ snatched it away from her.

"Stop it, Dei," he said firmly.

"Will you stop telling me what to do!" she snapped at him.

The group fell silent as they watched Dei gingerly stand up from her seat and wobble a little as she started to walk.

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