Chapter 31 - Time Out

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Dei woke up the next morning feeling very warm. She looked around and remembered that she was still inside RJ's bedroom. She glanced to her left and found him still sleeping, his face very close to hers and his left arm hanging limply by her waist.

She turned around to face him, admiring every corners and edges of his handsome face. She traced his lips with her thumb and recalled every detail of what they did last night, of how gentle he had been through the whole thing, and of how sensitive he had been to her needs.

It dawned on her how much RJ had turned out to be the opposite of everything she had expected him to be, and in fact came out to be the kind of guy she really needed. She still couldn't believe how much he had become such a huge and special part of her life in just a short period of time, but she was certain that he deserved it. She was never one to believe in love at first sight or destiny but at that moment, she felt like everything that had taken place in her life in the last few months had actually led her to him, and she realized just how much she loved him now.

She leaned in to give him a kiss and he stirred, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist and pulling her closer to him. Her eyes widened when she felt something hard touch her stomach and she freaked out.

"Oh my God, RJ!"

"What?" RJ asked, opening his eyes and lifting his head at once.

"You... Your..." she sputtered.

"Jeez, it's the morning, Dei, it happens." he groaned as he realized what she was pointing out and plopped his head back on the pillow. He opened one eye again to look at her expression and smirked. "Why are you even freaking out? It's not like you haven't had this ins---"

"Okay, stop!" she cut in, holding her hand up and blushing furiously. "I'm going to prepare breakfast." she said, scrambling out of bed.

He chuckled and pulled her back in. "Please don't, we're eating outside. I still can't get the taste of the scrambled eggs you cooked the last time out of my mind." he said as he hovered on top of her. "And... I need to do something about you still being so shy about this whole thing."


"Remember what I told you last night about it getting better each time?"


"Wanna test my theory now?"


"So... our first actual time out from each other," RJ said as Dei got out of her room holding a small suitcase with some of her things in it. It was a Saturday so they were supposed to spend the couple of days apart and leave the penthouse. "I bet you've been waiting for this," he said, his voice suddenly on edge.

"Hey... There you go again," Dei said kissing his lips. "I already told you that's not what I meant. In fact, I think the timing couldn't have been worse, I mean after what we've just done. I bet someone will be craving for something the next couple of days," she said smirking at him.


"Well I know I'll be," she said, blushing.

"Then that makes the two of us," he said. "Let's not do this. Come with me to my apartment instead."

Dei shook her head. "We need this. Craving is good."

"I'll just bombard you with texts the whole weekend."

She laughed. "Go spend time with your friends, play a game, do your thing. That way you won't easily get tired of me."

"I doubt that'll ever happen," he said, placing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in for a hug, "but okay, whatever you say. Are you spending time with friends too?"

"Yeah, I have a close friend from college who just flew in from the states the other day and James told me she had been wanting to meet us all, so we set this up," she said, encircling her arms around his waist.


"Yea. Remember the guy I introduced to you 2 weeks ago?" she said looking up.

"Oh I remember him, alright." he said, pursing his lips.

"And you do remember me telling you that he's just a friend, right?"

"Yeah," he muttered.

"Good. Now smile for me please," she said, pinching his cheek.

He gave her a grimacing smile.

"You look constipated. I want a real smile, Faulkerson." she demanded.

He sighed and hugged her again. "I'm okay. Just come back to me on Monday."

"Of course. I'll be running into your arms," she said giggling.

"Let's post one snap before we leave," he said, pulling out his phone.

"Let's post one snap before we leave," he said, pulling out his phone

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