Chapter 22 - The New Editor

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You started a chat with Dei Mendoza...

RJ F: Hi babe, you still can't join me for lunch?
Dei M: "Babe" 😏
RJ F: You don't like that?
RJ F: Honey... is that better?
Dei M: for an old married couple, yes. 😅
RJ F: Tart 😂
Dei M: *cringe*
RJ F: pumpkin
RJ F: button
RJ F: cupcake
RJ F: peaches
Dei M: are you trying to name a cat?
RJ F: munchkin
RJ F: sugar
RJ F: I'm looking at a list of terms of endearment on the 'net.
RJ F: you won't believe some of the stuff they have here
Dei M: LOL
RJ F: sugar bun
RJ F: sugar lips (i miss yours)
Dei M: really smooth, RJ.
RJ F: princess
RJ F: puddin
RJ F: pussy cat
Dei M: RJ! 😳
RJ F: sorry, i was trying to type everything. 😅
RJ F: go on take your pick. 😂
Dei M: Babe it is. 😏
RJ F: 😑
RJ F: 🙄
RJ F: Hi babe, You still can't join me for lunch?
Dei M: 😆
Dei M: Yea, I'm sorry I can't. 😔
Dei M: With Agnes going on maternity leave next week along with a couple others on the team, she had to reassign tasks.
Dei M: I have 3 articles to finish by Friday 😫
RJ F: do you need my help?
Dei M: nah, I'm okay. I can do this. No lunch dates for the next 3 days though.
RJ F: that's okay, we'll spend more time at the penthouse.
Dei M: ok. See you... Babe ☺️
RJ F: can't wait, babe.


"Why is it that 5 women have to go on maternity leave all at the same time?" Railey mumbled. "Now I have stuff to do!"

"Well, finally dude! You've been getting paid for doing nothing the past two months," Tom said, throwing a piece of crumpled tissue paper at Railey's face.

"I helped out the Try Guys for a couple of episodes." Railey said defensively.

"Yea," said Ken. "By handing them props."

RJ was busy texting Dei on his phone to notice his friends' exchange of banters. Dei had been so busy the past couple of days so they couldn't spend time in the office anymore. When they get home she was usually pretty tired already and could only stay up to hang out for an hour, so they make up by chatting and texting a lot.

There had been a reshuffling of tasks on their team and some other teams too because of a number of people that had to go on leave, so aside from their project, Dei had been assigned other tasks too.

She's a perfectionist so she really took her time researching for her articles and going over them multiple times.

"I've heard a new editor had been hired or something. You know, to take over Agnes' post for the meantime," Railey said.

"Transferred, not hired," Tom corrected. "I heard some of the guys talking about her earlier. Said she's smoking hot and I can't wait to see her." he murmured.

"Ok, texting Liz now," Ken joked.

"Hey, there she is," Railey said.

"Woah. Woah." Tom said, obviously stupefied.

"Hell, no... RJ," Ken said, nudging his arm.

RJ looked at Ken questioningly, still a bit distracted. Ken discreetly pointed to RJ's left and he turned.

There he saw her, standing along one wall of the cafeteria and looking at him intently with a soda can in her hand.

There he saw her, standing along one wall of the cafeteria and looking at him intently with a soda can in her hand

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