Chapter 86 - Moving Forward

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"Oh my gods, welcome back, love birds!" Matt almost shrieked as RJ and Dei came in to visit him at his office on Tuesday morning. It was their first day back at work and they got in early so they decided to drop by and have a chat with Matt since he always came in early too. "How was your vacation?"

"It was great!" Dei gushed. "RJ took me to a lot of awesome places there and I loved them all."

"Yep, we almost didn't wanna come back," RJ said, grinning.

Matt rolled his eyes. "Oh, you know you'll miss me, R--." He suddenly paused, his eyes wide as Dei brushed some strands of hair away from her face and tucked them behind her ears. "Is that what I think it is? Is that an engagement ring?" he asked, his right hand clutching his chest as he stared at the huge stone on Dei's finger.

Dei glanced at RJ and bit her lip. RJ nodded at her, smiling. "Yes," she answered and Matt definitely shrieked this time.

"Oh my gods, I don't believe this!" Matt exclaimed, fanning his face with his hands. "So it's true! You guys got engaged in New York?"

"Yep," RJ said, grinning happily.

"Oh my gods," Matt said again. "This is great, unbelievably great. And to think that all of these only started as an experiment.... for fun! Who knew you'd end up getting married for real?"

"I guess we have you to thank Matt," RJ told him. "We wouldn't have gotten this far without you playing the match maker."

Matt narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm trying to detect the sarcasm there..."

RJ laughed. "No sarcasm, Matt. Honestly, thank you."

Matt smiled proudly. "Well, you're welcome. And congratulations!" he exclaimed happily. "When are you planning to get married?"

"Probably in six months, or less..." Dei answered.

"Wouldn't you guys be already in New York by then? I know RJ has to transfer there in four months," Matt asked, confused. "Mark told me about the promotion," he added to answer RJ's questioning look.

RJ sighed loudly. "I already declined that, Matt."

"What? But you wanted that post. You specifically applied for that job three years ago, and you would have been accepted then if they hadn't needed you here," Matt said, shocked. "It was your dream."

"Well, not anymore," RJ said simply.

Dei glanced at him and noticed that he was trying to maintain a cheery expression that just didn't reach his eyes. He was still definitely torn about his choice to let go of the offer.

"Mark said they are going to give him two months to decide, so who knows?" Dei butted in.

RJ looked at her and shook his head. "Still not accepting it," he said.

"Well I hope there's a way for you to still change your mind. You're their only option. That position already has your name on it," Matt said, finally opening the box of the small banoffee pie he had on his table and taking a huge bite using his fork.

"What about Tim, wasn't he applying for it too?" Dei asked, unable to stop herself.

Matt shook his head. "Tim is great at what he does, but his credibility is questionable. Plus he lacks the people skills that RJ has. I really hope your fiancé changes his mind," he said.

Dei glanced at RJ and he gave them a noncommittal shrug.


"I miss the breadsticks at Olive Garden," Dei muttered as she took a bite of the bread in Bigoli's.

RJ chuckled. "They almost taste the same, babe. I think all breadsticks do."

"That's not true," Dei said, frowning. "This breadstick, although soft, tends to have that grainy feel once inside your mouth. Olive Garden's is soft and chewy and literally just melts inside your mouth like a cotton candy. And the strong flavor of garlic matched with the creaminess of the butter is just... heaven," she said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"I am still amazed at how you can describe food so lovingly, babe," RJ teased. "You literally have hearts on your eyes right now."

"Literally?" Dei asked, lifting an eyebrow.

RJ chuckled and shook his head, amused by his fiancee's sassiness.

The email tone on Dei's phone chimed and she picked it up to check the incoming message. Slowly, her face brightened as she read each line on the email and RJ watched her curiously.

"What's that?" he asked, trying not to sound too nosy.

Dei looked at him with a smile. "You'll find out soon... I hope. Can I go home ahead of you later? You still have a meeting with your team right? I just need to do something important."

"Hmmm... okay," he said, intrigued. "When can I find out what this is about?"

Dei pinched his nose. "Patience, Faulkerson."

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