Chapter 100 - Photographs

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"RJ, wait," Dei said, scrambling to the other side of the bed just as RJ dove in to kiss her. "I'm sorry, wait."

"DEI!" RJ groaned frustratedly as he pressed his face on the pillow.

"I'm sorry," she said again, "it's just that you are so worked up right now, and there is no way we won't end up doing it unless one of us is strong enough to stop. And once we start, babe, I won't be able to promise that I'd still be able to keep my control," she said as she sat on the edge of the bed, watching RJ bury his face on the pillow, making frustrated sounds against the pillow case.

RJ let out one more muffled scream of frustration onto the cotton fabric before lifting his face up and looking at her. "Why are we even doing this? What's the point of this again?" he asked and Dei almost felt sorry at the pained look on his face.

"I just want our honeymoon to be special," she said, looking down at her hands.

"Dei, of course it will be. You are special and each time we do it is special too... at least for me," he said earnestly.

"I know, but... please. It's just two more weeks," Dei said.

RJ shook his head, still unable to understand what it is that Dei wanted. He had gotten really good at controlling himself since he met her but the events from yesterday and the way she looked when he arrived got him so worked up and eager. She was right though, in the state that he was in, he really wouldn't be able to stop himself anymore unless she did. Which she just did, and RJ had a strong urge to punch the wall.

He let out a sharp breath. "Fine. You're the boss," he said, swinging his feet off the bed and onto the floor. "I'll just take a shower," he said not looking at her.

"Hey," Dei softly said, wrapping her arms around his waist and stopping him from getting off the bed. "Come back to bed. I'll help you feel better, just... keep your hands to yourself."

He turned and stared at her for a few moments.

"Come on," she urged, her voice a whisper.

He sighed and lowered himself on the bed with her. They laid there face to face as Dei traced his lips with her thumb.

"The next time we do it, on our honeymoon, it will be unforgettable, I promise," she told him.

"Oh you bet it will!" RJ said darkly and her stomach fluttered at the tone of his voice.

She leaned in to kiss him, very slowly, and let her hands travel down to unbutton his jeans.

RJ broke off their kiss when he felt her warm hands around him and looked at her questioningly.

"Kiss me and keep your hands to yourself," she ordered. "I'll take care of this for you."

He smirked and brought his lips to hers.


"Good morning love birds!" Matt greeted them as they entered his office. "You might be surprised why I still called you here. I know the project is over but I just wanted to ask you a simple favor."

"What is it?" Dei asked.

"I was wondering why you haven't taken any prenuptial photos yet," Matt said, taking a huge bite from the honey glazed donut he was holding.

"Oh yea, we're a bit late on that. I was also busy processing my visa aside from the actual wedding, but we are planning to take one this weekend," Dei explained.

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