Chapter 29 - Trust

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🎶If your heart's not in it for real please don't try to fake what you don't feel.
If love's already gone it's unfair to lead me on.
Coz I would give the whole world to you, anything you ask of me I'd do.
But I won't ask you to stay, I'd rather walk away if your heart's not in---

"You left work early," Dei said as she pushed the sliding door to the balcony and sat on the chair beside RJ. She got home at around 6 and found him there, playing his guitar to a song she wasn't familiar of.

"Yea, I did," he said, not looking at her.

"What time did you get home?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation going even though she was feeling some sort of distance between them.

"About three hours ago."

"What have you been doing?"

"Thinking," he answered simply.

"RJ..." she began.

"I've been wondering," he interrupted. "What is this that we have Dei?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, looking at him.

"This. What exactly are we to you? Because as far as I can see, I'm the only one acknowledging that we are an official couple. When Matt asked us, I was the one who answered, and you just kept silent. And then today..." he paused and sighed. "It makes me wonder if you really want this too. Or is this still part of the job to you?"

"You don't know what you're saying, RJ."

"You should've just told me you were growing tired of being with me. We don't have to keep doing this project. If you're really tired we can ask Matt to just stop this and you can have your space back." he said making tiny, but forceful strums on his guitar.

"I never said that RJ. I love being with you, but we do need to be away from each other from time to time," she explained, trying to be as patient as she could.

"Love." he chuckled bitterly. "Do you know how many times I've told you I love you? Three times. But you never said the words back. What's going on Dei?"

"RJ there are a lot of ways to tell someone you love them, not just those three words," Dei said.

"Not when that's what they wanna hear," he muttered.

Dei sighed and stood up. She got the guitar from his hand and leaned it against the banister before sitting on his lap.

She leaned against his chest and placed a hand on one side of his face. "I love you, Richard Jay Faulkerson. So much. I didn't want to announce our relationship because I want to be able to cherish it privately with you. And about being transferred, I appreciate your intention but there is really no need for it, plus I seriously wish you would've told me."

"I forgot, I'm sorry." he muttered. "But I just wanted to protect you."

"You don't need to protect me, I can take care of myself," she said. "I'm so much stronger and smarter that you give me credit for."

"I know you're smart," he said.

"I know what I want," she said. "And RJ, even without the words, you should already know how much I love you. The way I touch you should be one clue," she said, touching his lips. "And the way I couldn't stay mad at you or stay being in a fight with you for too long. Finally, the way I trust you...with every part of my being. Like how I'm going to trust you now." she said, looking straight into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his heart pounding.

"Yes." she said, nodding at him meaningfully.

"Are you sure?"

"I know what I want."

"Dei..." he whispered, giving her a chance to back out.

"Please be gentle."

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