Chapter 12 - Getting Comfy

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"Ok, what's your favorite food?" RJ asked as they sat on the lounge chairs by the balcony.

"Do you even have to ask, Faulkerson? Pizza and pasta and --"

"Bigoli's breadsticks..." RJ continued.

"Yeah..." Dei said, smiling. "And you?"

"I've always loved the Filipino adobo. My mom cooks a mean one and I kinda miss it actually," he answered. "What's your favorite color?"

"Yellow... and you've already mentioned once that yours is black right?" Dei said.

"Yep!" RJ answered, smiling.

"Ok, let's move on to more challenging questions, I'll ask first," Dei said.

"Oooh be careful," RJ warned but he kept the huge smile on his face. He reached over for the bucket of popcorn on the table between them and grabbed a handful.

"Why are you afraid of commitment?" she asked.

RJ rolled his eyes, this doesn't bother him anymore. "Were," he corrected. "I just felt that it wasn't worth the effort before. I wasn't ready," he answered but didn't elaborate.

"Hmmm... okay, fair enough." Dei decided.

"Ok, my turn... Have you ever been kissed?" he asked looking at her.

She blushed. "On the lips?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Uhm... No. Never." she answered, looking down.

"Never?" he asked, quite surprised.


"So, no...?" he couldn't help asking.

Dei shook her head vigorously and blushed, totally embarrassed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you," RJ said. "But damn."

"My turn to ask," Dei said quickly, feeling all warm in the face. "What memories were you running away from in New York?"

RJ paused for a few seconds before finally answering. "My ex's."

"Oh." Dei studied his face but it was void of expression as he munched on the popcorn he kept popping inside his mouth. "What happened?"

"I really don't want to talk about it," he answered shortly and then smiled at her to soften the blow.

Dei nodded and smiled just as RJ's phone buzzed to indicate a text.

"It's from Matt," he said, showing her the text:

Matt B
I said at least one live feed per day. You haven't done any in two days. Do one now!

"He's pretty bossy," Dei commented, giggling.

"Yea he is," RJ agreed. "Are you ready?" he asked as he logged in to the TrendBuzz account on his phone.

"Let's do this instead," Dei said grabbing his phone, "I'll take a video of you first. I'm sure your girl fans would love it."

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