Chapter 66 - Game On

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The party went on until past 11, and although both of them already wanted to leave, they couldn't get away from Dei's relatives who kept wanting to talk to them both. Two of Dei's aunts were already starting to plan the DeiJay wedding and Dei kept glancing at RJ to see his reaction. She was pleased to see that he looked genuinely amused and would even offer suggestions which just made her aunts shriek with glee. Her mom had to step in after a few moments to tell her aunts off, saying they might jinx the actual future wedding with their premature planning.

Her dad seemed to have loosened up a bit as well, and she saw him chatting with RJ more than a couple of times while she bonded with her female cousins.

Coleen on the other hand was overly ecstatic about RJ's presence. She told him multiple times that she had been a fan of his works from the beginning - which was actually true. Coleen was also a TrendBuzz follower even before there was TrendBuzzPH, and she had been crushing on RJ even when he was still in the US doing those silly how-to videos with his partner, Tim Wilson. He already had a strong fan base then, mostly from the US, and Coleen was one of his Filipino fans.

Dei and RJ glanced at Coleen's husband, Mike, and smiled apologetically but he seemed totally cool with it, even laughing along.

By the time they got into RJ's car to finally drive home, it was already close to midnight.

"How are you? I hope my relatives didn't scare you off," Dei said as she settled on the passenger seat.

"I actually loved them. They are so fun to be with, and I can see where you got your vivacious personality," he replied, smiling at her. "I totally enjoyed their company," he said honestly.

"Well it looks like they have enjoyed you too," Dei said giggling.

"Your female cousins were very interested in my family tree," he said, laughing with her.

"I bet they were. Lucky me, huh?" Dei said, touching his cheek.

RJ snorted and kept his eyes on the road. "Speaking of lucky, I actually have another song for you. I didn't write it, but I heard Ken playing it once and I thought about how the lyrics matched what I feel about you."

"Hmmm... Here you are with your surprises again."

He smiled. "Can you get the phone from my pocket, babe?" he asked.

"Okay," she said moving her hand to his pocket.

"Be sure to touch nothing else but the phone, please." he said, teasing.

Dei snickered and quickly took his phone out. "You can wish, babe. But you won't get that till the probation is officially lifted."

"Okay." he said, shrugging, but there was a smile on his lips.

"Now what?" she asked while holding his phone.

"Go to the music player and find the playlist with your name on it," he told her.

Dei smiled to herself when she found it. She clicked the playlist and saw that there were more than twenty songs listed on it. "Hmmm... There are a lot of songs in here. Most of them are original, aren't they?"

"Yep, and I will let you listen to them one at a time. Please try not to pay attention to the other ones and just look for the song titled 'Your Universe'," he said.

"Found it," she exclaimed. "Wait let me connect the phone to the car speakers." She did that and then played the song.

As the song neared its end, RJ sang along to the last chorus:

🎶 I don't think that you even realize
The joy you make me feel when I'm inside
Your universe
You hold me like I'm the one who's precious
I hate to break it to you but it's just
The other way around
You can thank your stars all you want but
I'll always be the lucky one 🎶

"You're the best, babe," Dei said when the song ended. "I loved it. I love you."

"You know I love you too," he replied, grabbing her hand and putting it on his lips.


They finally stepped into the penthouse an hour after midnight. RJ removed his coat right away and threw it on the sofa.

"Finally!" he exclaimed with relief. "I've been wanting to take that off that since we got to the church."

Dei chuckled while removing her earrings and then started slipping her high heeled sandals off too. RJ sat on one of the stools and leaned against the kitchen counter, watching her intently.

"So..." he began, "when exactly is this probation gonna end?" He stood up and steadily walked towards Dei, his hands slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

Dei looked at him and raised her eyebrows, although her breathing hitched a little as she watched his chest and abs getting exposed little by little. She swallowed hard and fixed her gaze on his face instead. "Why? I thought you were strong. Didn't you tell me earlier that you have very good self control?" she asked, her voice suddenly husky.

RJ stopped in front of her and smiled. "I do... but do you?" He stared at her with a challenging glint on his eyes and his shirt wide open.

Dei smirked and turned around, slowly walking towards her room. She reached over for the zipper on the back of her dress and steadily pulled it all the way down."25 years, babe. You seem to have forgotten that," she said as she turned the knob and walked in. She then faced RJ and let the dress fall to the floor, leaving her in her black, lace, boy-shorts panties and her arm covering her bare chest, before slowly closing the door. "Good night, RJ," she said and locked it, smiling triumphantly at his stunned expression.

She heard her phone beep from inside her pouch and she took it out.

RJ 💓 | 1:18 AM
Well played, Dei. But as I said, two can play this game. Good luck! 😏😼

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