Chapter 14 - Switch

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"Matt... Please listen to me," RJ begged as he followed him through the corridor to his office. "I want this trip to be just a private thing for us."

"But we need materials for the project, RJ." Matt said, looking sternly at him as he pushed his office door open and walked in.

RJ followed him inside. "I know but this is a private trip. Besides, it's our time out."

"Yes it's your time out but you're planning to spend it together. Do you know how much your followers would love that?" Matt said, flipping through some papers on his desk.

"Matt. Please." RJ pleaded.

Matt sighed. "Fine. No live feed. But give us a couple of snaps. You have a project, remember that."

"Actually, you can call that project off now, Matt. You already have an answer to your experiment. You wanted to put two people with commitment issues together and see if that would change their minds, and it did. I want to be with Dei." RJ told him.

"We promised three months, RJ. You've only been in there for a week." Matt said. "Besides, calling it off would mean you can no longer live together."

"That may actually be better," RJ muttered, looking down. "Now that things have progressed between us, that other part of me couldn't help wanting... more."

"Really? Hmmm... Interesting." Matt said entwining his fingers together and resting his jaw on them as he propped his elbows on the table.

That morning RJ got out of his room ready to take a shower just as Dei got out of hers. It looked like she had just finished doing her yoga, or working out, and her hair had become messy. She looked sexy as hell, with her face flushed, and he wanted to grab and kiss her right then, but he had to stop himself because she was looking so innocently at him.

RJ sighed. "I don't wanna ruin what we have because of what I used to be, or at least trying not to be, and it's kinda hard with us living together."

"In that case, I think the theme of the experiment just changed." Matt announced.

"What do you mean?"

"Now we get to find out how long a fuck boy like RJ can live with a girl like Dei without ruining whatever they have." Matt said smiling.

"You hate me, don't you?" RJ asked.

"Nope. Just trying to bring out the best in you." Matt said, bringing his attention back to the papers on his table. "At least give it two months."

RJ got up and left, making sure to slam the door as hard as he could.

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