Chapter 99 - Tshirt

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"RJ, are you ready for the wildest bachelor party ever?" Railey asked him, his voice filled with excitement as he looked down from the sunroof of Ken's new Land Rover LR2. He already had one can of beer in his hand and had spent the last 30 minutes of their road trip hollering out the roof.

RJ glanced up from his phone. "No, Railey, I'm not," he said shaking his head with a smile. He was leaning against the car door with his feet propped on the other window and had been exchanging text messages with Dei since they started their trip.

"Stop scaring RJ, Rai," Tom said from the passenger seat. "You know he wouldn't want a wild bachelor party. Our guy's so whipped. He's way too scared of Dei," he added chuckling.

"Aw, come on man," Railey said, sitting on the edge of the seat beside RJ and grabbing him by the collar. "Just for this one weekend, dude, can't you go back to your old self? Loads of girls but no strings attached. Dei would understand.... And for fuck's sake throw that cellphone away for now," he grabbed RJ's phone and threw it to the rearmost part of the car.

"Hey, what the hell man, I was answering Dei's text!" RJ sat up quickly and dove into that part of the car to retrieve his phone. He stayed there when he got it.

"You've become a wuss since you met Dei," Railey complained, frowning.

RJ chuckled. "I may be a wuss, but at least I still have a girlfriend, a fiancée actually," he said, smirking at Railey.

"Ooooooh he went there!" Tom said, laughing as Railey's frown got deeper.

"I'm just teasing, bro," RJ said, leaning over to pull Railey's cap down his face playfully, and then turned to Ken. "What are your plans Ken? I'm serious, I don't want a wild party," he told his best friend.

"No wild parties, I promise," Ken said. "Just loads of booze for the four of us and some nice time at the beach. Railey, stop using RJ's bachelor party to get over your break up."

"I was not!" Railey said defensively.

"And RJ, we would appreciate if you'd keep your phone away for now. This will be your last trip with your friends as a single man," Ken added, looking at him in the rear view mirror. "You're getting married in two weeks and you're about to spend the rest of your life with Dei, so a little time off before that would be nice. I did the same thing before Beth and I got married."

"Fine, I'll let her know," RJ said as he began dialing Dei's number. "Keep quiet you guys, I'm gonna call her," he warned as he laid on the seat facing the backrest.

Railey rolled his eyes at RJ's back and took a swig of his beer.

"Hi babe," Richard said as soon as Dei answered the phone.

"Hey RJ," she answered and he could hear the smile in her voice. "Where are you now?"

"Still along the expressway, but we're close," he replied. "What are you doing now?"

"TELL HER ALREADY!" Railey yelled from his seat and RJ took an empty water bottle from the small space on the door and threw it at him.

"Is that Rai?" Dei asked laughing.

"Yep, he's acting a bit crazy and bitter because Monique just broke up with him," RJ replied, chuckling, and he felt the water bottle hit him back on the side of his head. "Hey listen, the guys are begging me to lay off the phone use for now. They're being selfish and clingy and they want me all for themselves the whole weekend."

Dei giggled. "Okay, I understand. But you better behave, Faulkerson. No girls, especially since you haven't gotten any in the last two weeks..."

RJ snorted. "Babe, that's something you don't have to worry about. I can't promise not to be drunk though. Ken has prepared loads of booze, apparently."

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