Chapter 91 - Ooops!

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"I'm so tired," Dei groaned as she laid on her back on RJ's bed.

"Me too," RJ complained right beside her.

They both took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling.

"I can't believe I have that much stuff," she said, brushing some stray hair away from her face.

RJ chuckled. "And I can't believe you had to bring all of them."

They had just spent the whole afternoon moving Dei's stuff from the penthouse and her old place to the apartment that RJ used to share with Ken. Ken and Beth got married the other day and had moved into their new house, so Dei and RJ now had the apartment to themselves.

Dei looked at RJ. "I miss the penthouse already," she murmured.

"I miss it too," he said, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer so she was lying her head on his chest. "We had too many great memories there. I especially miss the grand piano."

Dei looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "You've never even used it during our whole stay there."

"But we have," he whispered, smirking at her, and she slapped him hard on his chest. "One of the best memories, babe," he continued, laughing.

Dei ducked her head and blushed, remembering just what he was talking about.

She decided to change the topic. "Babe, Lily wanted to go to the beach before she flies back to the US. She invited us, she really wants to meet you too."

"When is it?" RJ asked, looking at her.

"The weekend after next," Dei answered.

"Oh, I can't, babe. I promised to drive my parents to my mom's province... and I actually wanted to invite you to come with us," RJ told her.

Dei thought about it. "I don't know... it's a family affair. I'm sure your mom would want to have enough time to spend with her relatives without us grabbing most of the attention because of the engagement. Maybe I can skip this... please?" she told him.

RJ sighed. He was actually looking forward to visiting his mom's relatives with Dei. His grandparents are the coolest and he knew they would love her so he was too excited for them to meet her. "Well, if you say so. You can just meet them at the wedding, I guess," he said.

Dei looked at him. "You're not upset, are you?"


"This will be the last time we'll get to bond with Lily before she leaves, babe. I hope you understand." Dei peeled RJ's arms around her shoulders and sat up.

"I do, I understand," said RJ halfheartedly. "Where are you going?" he asked as Dei stood up from the bed.

"To the shower," Dei answered, pulling her clothes out from the drawer. "I'm feeling sticky from sweat and I've rested well enough. Do you want to join me or are you too upset?"

RJ snorted and rolled his eyes at her.

Dei shrugged and started walking out of the room and to the bathroom.

RJ watched her retreating back and after a couple of seconds he rolled himself out of bed and scooped her from the floor. "Do you even have to ask? I'm never too upset for that."

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