Chapter 52 - Jealous

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AN: one of the readers, iAmydear , requested for a Christine POV and I thought it actually made sense for us to find out a little about what's on her mind so I have written this chapter to show that. Thanks Amy! ❤️

Christine watched as RJ helped Dei put her cover up back on. Dei was giggling at something RJ had said and he was gazing at her with complete adoration. She felt a twinge in her chest when she saw that... RJ used to look at her that way.

She didn't know what she expected when she volunteered to travel to the Philippines. She had been wanting to see RJ since her break up with Darren, planning to patch things up with him for real, but she had no plans of following him to this country. She actually thought that the HQ was already planning to fly him back home and she was waiting for that, but then the DeiJay project happened and HQ had to postpone his relocation.

She started following the project as soon as she found out about it, watching saved live feed videos that she wasn't able to view real time. She tried to be unconcerned at first but there was something about their first live feed that caught her attention. It was the way RJ stole glances at Dei and how his ears turned red each time. She didn't want to believe it but it seemed that RJ was already starting to take an interest on his partner at that time.

That couldn't happen, she had thought. He only had his eyes for me. She was his drug, and no matter how much she had hurt him before, he still kept welcoming her in his arms whenever she came back for him.

Then the days passed and she kept seeing the attraction between them progress whenever she watched their live feed videos and viewed their snapchats. Her heart broke each time, but she wouldn't accept defeat. She was a girl who always got what she wanted and at that time, she wanted RJ back. That is why when she found out about the need for a fill-in on an editor post in the Philippines, she volunteered right away.

The HQ didn't want to send her at first. They were worried that Christine would ruin the project, but she did what she had to do... and she was good at persuading people.

When she got to the Manila office, she expected RJ to come running back to her at once, but Matt told her that Dei and RJ had already become an official couple. Then when RJ finally saw her, he had nothing but loathing in his eyes.

She did everything she could to get RJ's attention, but he only had eyes for Dei this time. Earlier, during the game, she had actually almost bared herself in front of him. She was wearing her sexiest swim suit then, which was actually one of his favorites, but he just rolled his eyes when he saw her and got more stunned when he saw Dei. It was like a slap on her face but she didn't let it show.

Now, Dei intrigued her. A lot. When she watched her on their live feed, what she saw was a sweet, innocent and naive girl, but the Dei she met in person was quite different. She was actually smart and pretty aggressive when she wanted to. She still seethed whenever she remembered the things Dei had told her at the coffee shop. She was feisty alright, but she didn't know how feisty Christine could get too, especially when she's wanting something so bad.

Dei and RJ's relationship appeared so strong at this point, but she secretly smiled, wondering how strong it would still be once she carried out her plan.

"Congrats Dei!" she said when the couple passed her.

Dei gave her a half smile and tightened her hold on RJ's waist, which he returned with a squeeze on her shoulder and a kiss on her forehead. Christine chewed her lip in vexation and watched them walk away. He didn't even look at her.

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