Chapter 94 - Come On

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Dei woke up the next morning with a pounding head and an aching stomach. When she tried to sit up, she realized that she didn't have any clothes on, and that her body was just covered by the thick blanket.

She tried to think of what happened the night before but her mind was blurry. There were some parts that she could remember vividly and some that were so vague.

She remembered feeling so sick that she had puked everything she had eaten at lunch the day before, and she also vaguely remembered RJ taking her into the shower and stripping her clothes off.

A slight movement to her left made her turn and she saw RJ sleeping beside her with his chest bare, and his sculpted abs gleaming against the sunlight coming in thru the window.

She pulled the blanket closer to her and the parts of it covering RJ from waist down got drawn a bit too, showing his bare hip.

"Oh no," she said aloud and he stirred.

He slowly opened his eyes and found her wrapping the blanket tightly around her chest. "What's wrong?" he croaked, his voice thick with sleep.

"Please tell me you didn't... we didn't - ," she said, her words trailing off.

RJ lifted his eyebrows and propped his elbows on the bed. "Why are you making it sound like it's a big deal?"

"It is when we're fighting and I'm so mad at you!" she exclaimed and RJ's eyebrows moved farther up his forehead. "You can't go around using sex to make me forget why I'm mad."

"Excuse me?"

"You're very good at that, at trying to seduce me so I eventually do what you want me to do," she told him.

"Have you gone crazy, Dei? I think your day at the beach yesterday just messed up your brain," RJ said grumpily as he stood up and snatched a towel that he wrapped around his waist. "And for the record, we didn't do it. You asked me, but we didn't do it."

Dei opened her mouth to respond but closed it again, and RJ raised his eyebrows once more, challenging her to say something as he leaned against the wall.

"What's wrong, Dei? Why are you suddenly acting this way?" RJ asked, glaring at her. "You're being too stubborn and rebellious. I know you tend to be feisty at times but this has gone far."

"I don't like that you're always trying to control me, RJ," she said, looking at him while trying not to be distracted by how sexy he looked leaning against the wall with his arms over his chest and the towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. She looked up his face again and all thoughts about his sexy stance vanished. He looked furious.

"Control you, Dei?" he asked, his voice tight with suppressed anger. "I initially declined my promotion because you were hesitant about transferring to New York. When you said you didn't want to announce our relationship, I obliged even though it hurt. The only time I can remember ever trying to control you was when I asked Matt to transfer you to my team without telling you. And even then, you declined and I let you. What's going on Dei?"

Dei didn't respond and got off the bed instead. She also didn't understand why she was acting the way she did, but the time she spent with her friends made her more anxious about the changes that would happen in her life after the wedding. And then RJ being so mad about what she was wearing and about her pictures spreading just made it worse.

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