Chapter 105 - TE, The Final Chapter

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"Good morning, babe," RJ asked, kissing Dei's bare shoulder softly.

Dei stirred, took one look at him, and then burrowed herself deeper into the sheets. "What time is it babe?" she murmured sleepily.

"8:30," he answered.

"Ugh. Too early," she groaned, pulling the blanket up to her shoulders and wrapping it tightly around her.

"I know, but we have a flight at 2PM today, we're going to Bohol, remember? Honeymoon's not yet over, babe." RJ whispered, brushing her hair away from her face.

Dei opened her eyes again and glanced at him. She noticed that his hair was already wet and he was wearing a white V-neck shirt. "Have you been up long?"

"I woke up at 6 to do my workout," he replied.

"How can you still wake up so early and work out after all the things we did until 3AM?" Dei asked incredulously. "My legs literally feel like jelly right now."

RJ laughed quietly. "Well I have good endurance and stamina," he answered with a smirk. "I can give you four more rounds right now if you want."

"Oh, please no," Dei said. "Save it for Bohol, babe. I don't think my body can handle any more of your expert love making, no matter how pleasurable it is."

He chuckled. "I was just kidding," he whispered and kissed her cheek. "Come on, get up now and let's eat. The hotel sent us a nice breakfast," he said, pulling the blanket away from her and exposing her nakedness. He bit his lip and took a deep breath.

"Oh gods, RJ, don't look at me like that," she said as she sat up and wrapped the blanket around her chest. She pointed at the food on the table. "That's your breakfast, not me."

He laughed. "Well, tomorrow morning can I have you for my breakfast?"

Dei rolled her eyes at him with a suppressed smile "Can you hand me one of your t-shirts babe? I don't have my stuff in here yet."

"Gladly," he said, and fished for a shirt from his suitcase. "I love seeing you in my clothes," he remarked as he handed her the clothing and watched her pull it over her head.

"And I love being in them," she replied, smiling, as she gingerly got up from the bed and walked over to the small dining table.

The complimentary breakfast that the hotel sent them was a little feast in itself. There was bacon and omelet for each of them, bread with cream cheese and strawberry jelly, two cups of greek yogurt with strawberries and kiwi on top, a bowl of tossed garden salad with caesar dressing, slices of different fresh fruit, pancakes with whipped cream and a choice of maple and chocolate syrup, fresh mango juice and an option for coffee.

"Wow," she said, looking at the food, "how many people did they think are gonna eat here?"

"I guess they wanted nothing but the best for the special bride," he said as he pulled out a chair. "Mrs. Dei Faulkerson, please take a seat."

Dei smiled at him, relishing the nice sound of her new name and title. "Thank you, Mr. Faulkerson."

They ate their breakfast for more than an hour, chatting and eating at the same time. They planned their itinerary for Bohol and then for the next two weeks they had left to stay in the Philippines.

Dei got her approved visa a week ago and they decided to schedule their flight to New York two weeks after the wedding so that they can have a whole month to settle themselves in the new city before they both have to start their new job. RJ's would start earlier than hers so he wanted to make sure she was completely comfortable with the new surroundings before he starts leaving her for work.

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