Chapter 10 - Drunk (and) In Love

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Dei's mouth hung open for a few seconds as she tried to process what RJ said.

"Where is this coming from, Mr. I-don't-like-talking-about-feelings? Mr. I'm-not-a-fan-of-commitments?" Dei demanded, her voice thick with doubt.

"See, I knew you wouldn't believe me," he said frustratedly.

"Is this a new ploy? I was perfectly fine riding along with your and Matt's gimmick, you didn't have to play with my feelings too!" she said angrily.

"Woah, woah... It's nothing like that!" RJ said, taking her hand to pacify her but she just grabbed it fiercely away.

"Is this because of James? Is Matt scared James would ruin the whole project and this 'love team' we have?" she asked, seething. "Well tell Matt not to worry about it, RJ, James is just a friend!" Dei pushed RJ aside and walked out of the door, totally pissed.


"RJ, how was it?" Ken asked as RJ walked towards their cubicle with a defeated look on his face.

"She totally thinks I'm lying. That I was doing it under Matt's orders because of the project." RJ said, plopping on the chair. "Now she's mad."

"Oh, man." Ken bit his lip and shook his head.

"Do you have any plans with the boys tonight? Let me come. I don't think I wanna go straight home after work," RJ said, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Dude it's a Monday. We don't have plans." Ken told him.

"Then let's plan something. I'm so worked up, I need some distraction." RJ said running his hands through his hair.

"I don't think that's a good idea, man. You'll just make it worse." Ken said. "Besides, I can't. Beth and I have plans."

"Fine. I'm sure I have a few numbers I can call." RJ said, turning his seat to face his laptop. "It's still early. I'm sure I can still flush these feelings out of my system before she completely breaks my heart." he muttered, almost to himself.

Ken shook his head as he looked at his friend with concern. "Be careful dude. It's not that easy..."


RJ stumbled into their unit a few minutes after midnight, feeling drunk as fuck.

He meant to hook up with someone he'd met before but when she arrived, he found himself totally uninterested. They went to an upscale bar and he spent the whole time just sitting in their lounge drinking. He completely ignored his companion until she decided to leave him after just a couple of hours. She was furious.

He didn't know how he managed to still drive home but the moment he stepped into the unit, he could feel the room spinning and he had to hold on to the wall for support.

"RJ!" he heard Dei's voice from the kitchen. "Where have you been?" he felt her hand touch his arm and then his waist as she led him to the sofa.

"You're still awake," he managed to say as she gently sat him on the sofa.

"Well I was waiting for you," she said sternly. "I was worried."

He chuckled.

"Why did you get yourself drunk?" she asked.

"I'm trying to get rid of these feelings I have inside," he slurred, pointing at his heart. "Because it's no use. The girl I like won't believe me anyways."

"You like someone?" she asked.

He closed his eyes as he felt himself drifting. "Yes," he murmured. "She's about 5'4", slim, and has the most expressive light brown eyes I have ever seen." he slurred sleepily.
He opened his eyes a bit and saw her face through his blurred vision. "Damn it, I think I've fallen for Dei Mendoza..."

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