Chapter 88 - Happy!

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"What? What do you mean?" RJ asked, his eyes narrowed in confusion as he walked towards her.

Dei took a deep breath and bit her lip, still unable to contain her excitement. "I applied for a job in New York and I got accepted at Hearst. They told me that they will process the petition request to USCIS at once so we could get my working visa processed as soon as possible."

"Why?" RJ asked, still confused even though he could already feel his heart beating harder in anticipation.

Dei stood up and stepped closer to him. "I understand how much the promotion means to you so I have decided it's time that I make my own sacrifice too. You will accept the offer, and right after our wedding you can move there and start your new responsibility as part of the executive team... and I will be moving with you."

RJ took a deep breath, his mouth slightly opened, and pulled Dei into a tight hug. "Dei..." he whispered, not sure how to begin thanking her. Moving to New York was definitely a huge step for her because she would have to be away from her family. He didn't count on it because every time they talked about transferring, he always sensed her reluctance even though she kept saying that she would think about it. He knew that her fear sprung from the fact that the two of them have not yet been together for a long time, and although they were engaged, he had a feeling that she still didn't trust him that much with her life and her future... but now she finally chose to go with him. He breathed hard as he felt his heart expanding with happiness.

"Thank you, Dei," he whispered on her head and hugged her tighter. "I didn't expect this at all."

"I submitted several applications the other night but I didn't want to tell you about them until I was certain that I've been accepted," she said and then looked up at him. "I hope I didn't stress you out too much with how weird I was acting."

RJ chuckled. "Almost," he said kissing her on the forehead. "And congratulations by the way. You are so amazing Dei, not everyone can get accepted as quickly as you did, and for an application outside of the US... wow!"

Dei grinned. "Thank you," she replied. "Now you just need to help me let Matt and the management know about my resignation," she said, suddenly concerned.

"You don't have to worry about it. Matt will understand especially after I tell him about that deal with Tim. Matt hates the guy so he would know why you would be uncomfortable working with him," RJ said as he pulled Dei to the kitchen to eat. "Besides, our little project's ending in less than a month."

Dei felt a twinge of sadness after he said that. "I almost forgot we're only supposed to do that for three months," she said sadly. "So... no more DeiJay?"

RJ smiled at her. "There will always be DeiJay," he said.

"I'm gonna miss our followers though, they had been a huge part of what we are now," Dei muttered after sipping from her coffee mug. She suddenly felt nostalgic.

"Yea..." RJ agreed. "Well we can continue interacting with them, but out of our own accounts this time. DeiJay is saying goodbye to TrendBuzz, or at least Dei is..." he added, smiling at her.

Dei grinned back. "You know what, now I'm feeling excited. What's waiting for us in New York? And more importantly... what's DeiJay gonna be after the wedding?"

"Is it about time we talk about how many kids we want to have now?" RJ asked, grinning at her.

"Ahmmm.." Dei thought for a minute. Was she ready for that? "Baby steps, RJ."

He chuckled, and then his smile vanished when he remembered something. "Speaking of the wedding... we still need to tell your parents about it."

"Yep... Goodluck," Dei muttered.

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