Chapter 74 - The Fan Project

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"Wow, your sister's room is so cute and so... pink," Dei said as they walked into Rizza's room, her mouth half opened as she took in the details of the room.

Literally everything in it, except for the wooden tables, was pink - the walls, the bed covers, the pillows, the curtains, and even the carpet, which had a lighter shade of the color. "I don't think I've seen this much pink in my whole life."

RJ looked up from Dei's suitcase that he was holding and laughed

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RJ looked up from Dei's suitcase that he was holding and laughed. "Well I think you should know that the last time I was here, this room was actually bright yellow," he told Dei as he placed her suitcase inside a small walk in closet. "Rizza's room changes it's shade depending on her favorite color in a particular period, and she changes her favorite a lot."

"Wow," Dei said, unable to imagine the effort. She blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust her eyes to the color.

RJ walked behind her and grabbed her waist. "Are you sure you don't want to stay in my room instead?" he whispered.

Dei turned and raised her eyebrows at him. "No, Mr. Faulkerson, not in your parents' house," she said, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.

"Okay then, I'll stay here until I get sleepy," RJ said, plopping himself on Rizza's bed.

"No funny business, RJ," Dei warned, even as her lips quivered in one corner as she tried to suppress a smile.

"What?" RJ asked defensively. "I'll keep my hands to myself, I promise."

Dei rolled her eyes and shook her head. She went over to her suitcase and gathered her sleep clothes.

"Rizza's bathroom is behind that door," RJ said, pointing at the door on the left side of the room, right beside the walk-in closet.

Dei nodded and walked in for a quick shower. When she got out, she found RJ still on the bed and browsing on his phone.

"Look at this babe, our fans did something," he told her and Dei walked over to the bed to sit beside him with her back leaning against the headboard. "They created a project of their own and posted the link on the message board. They call it 'The DeiJay Sightings'," he said, air quoting the title.

"Like UFOs or the abominable snowman?" Dei asked, laughing. She looked over his phone and saw what he was talking about.

The fans made a special page that was created to post pictures of DeiJay from their first travel abroad. Apparently, they had a bunch of fans in the US too, all of them excited to see the couple. Dei read the heading.


Hi fellow DeiJay shippers, we created this page to track the DeiJay sightings on their first out of the country vacation. We want to collect their travel pictures and post them in a gallery (because we all well know that they sometimes get so busy with each other to update us 😏). If you have selfies with them, or even stolen (I mean candid) shots, please don't hesitate to post them on our threads and we will include them in our gallery. We will update it at least twice a week. Be as creative as you can... or not. We just really need a dose of our DeiJay fix. Let's do this DeiJay shippers! ❤️❤️❤️

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