Chapter 48 - Little Pieces of Heaven 1

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"So, the top 5 things you consider heaven -- one: pasta and breadsticks, done. Two: books," RJ said as they drove a corner in one of the business centers in the metro.

Dei nodded, smiling.

"And I know just where to take you..." He drove a few more meters, turned right and then stopped in front of a brick building with huge glass windows and sliding doors.

Dei knew this place. It had just opened three months ago and she had been wanting to visit it for some time now. She was feeling so giddy as she stepped out of the car and there was a huge smile plastered on her face as she looked up the building. Bound - the ultimate library and bookstore in the metro.

She excitedly pulled RJ towards the entrance and started looking around as soon as they got in. There were only a few people inside since it was a weekday and the shelves looked like they have just been recently rearranged.

Ultimate was the right word for the place. They promise to have all the books that had ever been published from the classics to the newer ones, and those books were neatly organized in about a hundred different shelves. It was the paradise for book lovers like RJ and Dei.

RJ watched as Dei looked around, her mouth half opened in awe. She seemed unable to decide which way to go first; there were just a lot of books to look at. She finally decided to go to the fiction area and pulled out a classic crime thriller. She read and flipped through a few pages before plopping down on the floor, now completely immersed in the story.

RJ chuckled and pulled out a book for himself and then sat beside Dei. "By the way, babe... Those two books you were reading last week, I tried looking for them but they have been sold out in all the bookstores that I've gone to,"

Dei sighed. "Yea, it's a good thing Mara was able to get herself a copy as soon as they were released and allowed me borrow them for a few days," she said.

"Yea... Well... I managed to get in correspondence with both Ms. Samson and Ms. Jimenez," he began.

"You what?"

"Yep, I talked to both authors and they have agreed on sending me new printed out copies - just for you." he said, touching his ear.

"You're kidding." Dei stated, unconvinced.

"Wait here..." RJ said as he stood up and left.

He was gone for a few minutes and when he came back, he had on his hands a brand new copy each of Hello, Richard and Airplanes and Shooting Stars. He handed them to her with a smile.

"Oh my gods, babe!" Dei said as she started ripping off the plastic coverings for both.

"They're both signed. And I requested for dedications too," he said, his hand on his ear again.

Dei opened Hello, Richard first and sure enough, there was a small note from the author on the first page.

Dear Dei,
It's amazing how you share the same name as one of my primary characters. :) I was told that you loved the book and I wanna thank you for being one of the happy readers. I really hope to see you soon.

PS: RJ says he loves you so freaking much. :) ((((((((R&D)))))))))

Love lots,

Dei looked up at RJ for a second before quickly flipping the first page of Airplanes and Shooting Stars:

Dear Dei,

A gift for your special day from a person who loves you so much.

Thank you for enjoying reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Stay in love, I am rooting for you both.

All the love,

"Babe!" Dei cried out. She pulled the hem of his shirt so he would sit back on the floor beside her and then buried her face on his bicep as she started crying.

"Why are you crying?" RJ laughed, pulling her head gently and leaning it against his chest.

"You're too much. This is too much. Why are you doing this?" she asked, sobbing in his chest.

"Because I love you," he whispered. "and I wanted to make sure that you know."

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, RJ," Dei said, her voice muffled by his shirt.

"And you are to me. Thank you for making the fear go away, Dei. You definitely opened my heart and helped me trust again," he said, brushing her hair with his fingers as they sat there.

"Thank you, and I love you too," Dei said, finally looking at him.

RJ kissed her quickly on the lips and then pulled her up from the floor. "Let's start selecting the books we want to buy, we still have to go somewhere."

She nodded and followed him, her heart feeling triple the size as she gazed at the ultimate love of her life.

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