Chapter 9 - Confession

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You have started a chat with Dei Mendoza...
RJ F: Dei...
Dei M: Hey RJ.
RJ F: What time are you taking your lunch?
RJ F: Should I pick you up there at 12?
Dei M: I'm still trying to finish something.
Dei M: And Mara invited me to have lunch with her today. See you at home?
RJ F: Ok then. See you at home.

"She's not having lunch with me," RJ told Ken. "I hope I didn't piss her off earlier."

"It's okay, you'll see each other at home," Ken said. "Come with me and the boys instead."


"Let's go?" Mara asked her as she locked her laptop.

"Yep, let's go." Dei said, standing up from her chair.

"I thought you'd be taking your lunch with RJ again," Mara said.

"Well, you asked me first," Dei said, smiling at her.

"Just so you know, you guys look so good together. Even the girls who have a huge crush on RJ are shipping you, that's how strong your chemistry is," Mara said, beginning to talk excitedly. "I really hope you end up together!"

Dei just smiled at her, still thinking about RJ's weird actions earlier.

He said he may not be the guy I'm looking for. How could he know that when I myself don't even know him that much to tell.

His unexpected sweetness endeared him to her but she kept insisting to herself that it was just all part of the job.

They were lining up to pay in the cafeteria when someone called Dei's name.

"Dei?" said a guy's voice.

She turned around and saw a tall guy in glasses. She had to squint a little to recognize who it was. "James? James De Vera?" she asked, amazed.

James was one of her closest friends in college. He was a complete geek then. He was chubby, with thick glasses, a huge bag that he carried with him at all times and his face was full of blemishes... but he had completely transformed. He looked more fit now, his face was blemish free and his eyeglasses didn't make his eyes look too big anymore.

"Yes!" he said, extending out his arms for a hug.

"Oh my gods, James, look at you!" Dei exclaimed, giving him a once over.

James scratched the back of his neck and smiled shyly. "I don't look too weird now, do I?" he asked.

"Not at all! Wow, it's so good to see you. It's been what, 4 years?"

"Yep. Well, my arms are still waiting for that hug." he said, extending his arms wider.

Dei walked closer and gave him a quick hug. "So you work here now?" she asked him.

"Training," he answered, showing him his ID.

"Nice! Oh, by the way, this is my friend Mara," she said, remembering she was still with her. "Mara, James. He's one of my closest friends in college."

The two of them shook hands as they reached the cashier. James offered to pay for their food and would not say no so they let him. They looked for a seat shortly after.

A few feet away, in the more secluded part of the cafeteria, RJ sat watching them with his jaw clenched.

"I'm telling you now, dude." Ken whispered to him. "Go for it. Before it's too late."

RJ sighed and stood up. He walked towards their table, trying to keep a calm look on his face.

"Dei," he said softly as he stood behind her.

She turned around and looked surprised to see him. "RJ! Hi!"

"Can I join you? Ken and the boys had to leave early." he said, giving James a quick glance.

"Sure!" Dei said, moving over to give RJ's seat some space. "RJ, meet my friend James. He was a close friend of mine in college, and James, he's RJ. He's my... he's my partner for a current project." she introduced them.

The boys shook hands. "I know him. I've read about the two of you guys and I've seen that you have acquired quite a huge following in social media. So you guys are living together for the project?"

"Yes." It was RJ who answered, and Dei didn't know if she just imagined it, but there was an edge in RJ's voice when he spoke. Mara must've heard it too because she nudged her with her elbow and gave her a meaningful look.

The rest of their lunch break passed in awkward silence and James gave Dei a stiff hug before they walked their separate ways. RJ dropped her at her cubicle but held her hand before she sat down.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

Dei looked at Mara before nodding. "Okay."

RJ pulled her hand and led her to the empty conference room.

"What is it RJ? You've been acting weird since yesterday," she asked as he watched RJ run his fingers through his hair. He obviously looked like he was having an internal battle and she waited patiently for him to talk.

"I'm sorry, Dei... " he began. "I'm sorry if I acted so grumpy earlier. It's just that I... I... The pressure was kinda getting into me. What with all the things Matt was saying..." he mentally kicked himself for taking that route.

"RJ, don't be pressured. Just let them know that this is all professional, all part of the job right away," she said quietly.

"No, it's not like that... It's more than that." he said.

"What do you mean?"

RJ sighed. "Someday I'm gonna be able to tell you, and I really want to tell you once the project is over so you won't have reasons to think that it's just an act or a part of the job or--"

"What is it RJ?" she cut in, her voice firm.

"I like you, Dei..."

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