Chapter 68 - Good luck, RJ!

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AN: unfortunately I don't have visuals for this. Let's just work our imagination ok? 😂✌🏻️

"Why are we shopping for sexy lingeries?" Mara asked, her eyes wide as she looked at the sexy displays around the boutique.

"Ssssh!" Dei shushed her, putting her finger over her lips.

"What do you mean 'sssh'? There's no need to 'ssssh', people can see us here, we are shopping for a sexy lingerie!" Mara exclaimed.

"Just keep quiet and tag along," Dei said as she went through the items hanging on one of the long racks in the middle of the shop.

"Is this for RJ? I mean, are you wearing it for RJ?" Mara's eyes just became wider.

"...and try not to ask too many questions," Dei added, rolling her eyes at Mara.

"Oh my God," Mara gasped and she placed her hand over her mouth.

Dei sighed and looked at her. "Mara, this isn't our first time, okay? Relax."

"OH MY GOD!" Mara was clutching her chest.

"Oh gods, please don't make me regret bringing you here with me," Dei said, moving away from her.

"I'm sorry, I just got so excited," Mara said and she had a dreamy look on her face. She browsed through the items as well and then pulled out a black two piece lingerie with garter and see-through materials that left nothing to the imagination. "What do you think of this one?" she asked Dei.

Dei made a face. "I need something sexy but not over the top. I just need to tease him. I don't want him pouncing on me and f--" she trailed off.

"What?" Mara asked.

"Nothing." Dei said, blushing.

Mara snickered. "This is so exciting and so interesting. But you're right, I shouldn't ask any more questions." she looked at the other displays. "What exactly are you looking for?"

"Well, I'm actually going for just a nightdress. Something with a silk material and just shows enough skin without being too slutty," Dei said as she walked to the next rack. She saw a powder pink, silk nightdress and held it up. "Something like this."

The one she chose was a halter strap night slip with pure silk material. It was bare back, very short, and would probably cover just a quarter of her thighs. It looked sexy yet sweet, and not slutty all. "I think I'm gonna get this," Dei said with a smile.

Mara grinned at her, nodding in agreement.


"Hi!" RJ greeted her as she walked into their penthouse unit that night. He was sitting on the stool by the kitchen counter with a magazine in one hand and a spoon in the other, a small tub of ice cream placed in front of him.

"Hi, babe!" she greeted back, kissing him on the cheek and hiding her purchases behind her.

"What did you shop for?" RJ asked, taking a spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

"Stuff," Dei said, shrugging. "Let me just put these inside my room."

She left and brought the paper bags in her room and then hid the nightdress deep inside her closet. She looked at the mirror and tied her hair up in a messy bun and then undid three buttons on her blouse. She applied a layer of the new lipgloss she had just bought and then studied herself in the mirror. She could see the blush already creeping on her cheek and she smiled, satisfied.

"Do you want some ice cream?" RJ asked with a sexy smile as she walked out of her room. He paused, noticing the unfastened buttons on her blouse and the way her hair was pulled up just the way he liked it. He smiled.

He then scooped a spoonful of ice cream and placed the cutlery against his tongue. Slowly, he licked the chocolate cream around it, his eyes not leaving hers.

She took a deep breath and walked over to him, trying not to pay attention to his tongue. "I bought a new lipgloss," she said casually, standing in front of him.

He stared at her suspiciously.

"How does it look?" she asked, placing her hands on both his thighs and gazing at him with a half smile.

"Uhh... Glossy?"

"Do you want to know how it tastes?" she asked him, moving her face closer to his and biting her lip a little.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" RJ asked, his voice low as he stared at her lips.

She nodded and pressed her lips lightly on his, surprising him, but then pulled away before he had the chance to respond to her kiss. She smiled at him with hooded eyes. RJ tried to pull her back in for a proper kiss but she pushed him on the chest.

"You've got some of it on your lips now, how does it taste?" she asked him.

He smiled at her. "You're getting really good at this," he said.

"But you underestimated me," she said with a smirk. She took his spoon from his hand and scooped herself some ice cream that went straight into her mouth. She gazed at him intently as she sucked on the spoon like a lollipop until the ice cream melted inside her mouth. She then swirled her tongue around it, licking it clean. She placed the spoon back in his hand when she was done, and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, babe."


Dei walked out of her bedroom the next morning and almost stepped back in when she saw RJ getting out of the bathroom with only a towel hanging low on his hips. He was looking at her face with a smile and had his tongue pushed against his cheek.

Look up, Dei, Look up, she instructed herself, but her eyes kept glancing down at his pelvic muscle and happy trail.

"Did you seriously plan your exit from the bathroom to match my wake up time?" she asked him.

"Why would I do that?" RJ asked, laughing.

Dei stepped out of her room completely and RJ's laughter faltered, his jaw dropping, as he got a full view of her outfit. "What are you wearing?" he asked.

Dei smiled to herself. "Something I bought," she said simply and walked into the kitchen to prepare coffee, desperate to find a distraction from his body.

RJ stared at her, breathing hard as his eyes travelled from her bare back to her creamy thighs and finally to her legs. He took a deep breath, his mind and body already going crazy with desire. "Why are you doing this?"

Dei turned back to him and smiled. "Because I can."

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