Chapter 59 - One More Chance?

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"Dei..." RJ said, slowly walkin over to the kitchen counter.

Dei didn't look at him, but instead fixed her gaze on the water inside her glass. She sniffed twice. "I will just complete the three-month period. For Matt." she said, her voice hoarse.

"Dei... Please. I'm sorry, I really am..." RJ said as he slumped on a stool, feeling weak with trepidation. "I know I was stupid but please don't let me go." He reached over and carefully grasped her left hand, and she closed her eyes at his touch.

She took a deep breath and he heard a small cry escape her lips before she started talking again. "I don't know what to say, RJ. Your words hurt me so much, I feel like I don't know you anymore."

"No, Dei... It's still me. Your RJ," he said imploringly. "I've had a few drinks and it was the alcohol talking. I didn't mean more than half of what I said."

"That's such a lame excuse, RJ. You didn't have to drink in the first place," Dei said, swallowing hard. "Why couldn't you have talked to me first? I thought we trust each other?"

"I don't know, Dei. Maybe it was my past experience clouding my better judgement, or the fact that I am so jealous of the friendship you have with James. I mean, you've known each other much longer than we two have..." RJ said, raking his fingers through his hair.

"But that's all James and I have, RJ... A friendship. And a good one too."

"I'm sorry... I understand that now. Please let me fix this, Dei. I don't wanna lose you. I can't lose you, babe..." he said, pressing her hand on his forehead.

"But I can't let go of the things you said, RJ... Those hurtful words. My heart still breaks each time I remember them," she said, her tears falling anew, but she didn't remove her hand from his grasp.

"Dei, if I could only turn back time, I would never say those words to you. I didn't mean them, I swear. I wasn't thinking straight. It's stupid, I know... But please, Dei," he pleaded, and he could no longer stop his own tears from falling. "Just give me one more chance to fix this. Just one chance, babe..."

Dei closed her eyes but didn't respond. RJ placed both their hands on the counter and dropped his face on them as he waited for Dei to speak. He held on to her hard, too scared to let go.

"Please, Dei..." he whispered against the kitchen counter. A few moments later, he felt her trying to pry her hand away from his, and he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. He let go of her but kept his face buried in his own hand against the granite top and cried silently, his shoulders shaking with every muted sob.

Then he felt her hand touch the side of his head and he had to gasp for air before looking up at her.

She bit her lip and touched his cheek, her thumb brushing the tears on his face. "One chance," she whispered.

RJ let out a sharp breath and pulled her fiercely in a tight hug. He sobbed some more against her head as he held her tight and he could feel her shaking with uncontrolled weeping too.

They held each other close for a few moments until the sobbing died down. "Thank you, Dei. I promise, you won't regret it..." he whispered and she nodded.

He pulled away from the hug and held her face with both hands before leaning in to kiss her. He kissed her hard and she kissed him back, but she pushed him gently on his chest when he tried to deepen the kiss some more.

"Not now, RJ. I love you, but not now," she said, firmly, and she gave him a quick kiss on the lips to soften the blow.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "Can you at least stay in my room please. I just don't think I'd be able to sleep without you in my arms and I want to see you when I wake up."

"Okay..." she whispered back.

He ran his fingers through her hair and tucked a few strands behind her ear. He stared at her hard, still couldn't get over the fact that he almost lost her. He knew he had to make sure it won't happen again because he won't be able to bear the pain.

"I love you so much Dei..." he said.

She bit her lip and nodded in response.

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