Chapter 58 - Hope

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RJ stood frozen to the spot for a few moments, unable to think well. He only snapped back to his senses when he heard his phone ringing and he answered it right away.

"Dei? I'm sorry, babe, let's talk about this please," he said, pleading.

"THIS IS MATT, YOU STUPID JERK! DEI JUST TEXTED ME ASKING ME TO REMOVE HER FROM THE PROJECT! WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?" Matt shrieked from the other line and RJ had to move the phone away from his ear to save his eardrum.

"I'll fix this, Matt," RJ said.

"You better!" Matt said through gritted teeth. "Dei deserves more than whatever hurt you're putting her through!"

"I know. I know that now. I was so stupid," RJ replied dejectedly. "I have to go, I need to look for her," he said, hanging up.

He quickly got his keys from the bedside table and ran from his room to the elevator outside. He tried calling Dei's number but it would only ring a few times and then would get disconnected. She was ignoring his calls.

He ran to the parking lot when he got to the basement and drove his car out at once.

Where could she be? he thought, looking at both sides of the street as he drove. Her apartment was almost an hour away from the penthouse and he wondered if she rode a cab home when she left. He tried calling her again but she was no longer picking up nor ignoring the call, she was just letting it ring till it disconnected on its own, so he decided to continue driving to her apartment. When he got there, he found the house dark and empty so he sent a text to Matt.

Sent to Matt | 8:45 PM
Matt, I need James' number. Can you help me find it please. And if you can, please, please call Dei and ask her where she is. I'm worried.

He sat inside his car and waited for Matt's reply.

Matt | 9:01 PM
James - 09164289451. Dei isn't answering my calls.

RJ sighed and started calling James.


"James, it's RJ," he said.

"Hey, what's up?" James asked, sounding surprised.

"I'm... I'm looking for Dei. Would you know where she is?" RJ asked tentatively.

"Why? What's wrong?" James asked, his voice sounding worried at once.

"We had a fight and she left..." RJ said.

"What did you do?" James asked and there was an edge of anger in his voice.

"I thought you guys had something going on... And I might have said a few... a few hurtful things." RJ answered.

"You stupid jerk!" James said fiercely.

RJ closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "I've been getting that a lot lately."

"Well you deserve it. Dei trusted you with almost her everything, she doesn't deserve whatever hurtful things you said," James said coldly.

"I know, I was so stupid. Help me, James. I need her." RJ said and he had to bite his lip to stop himself from crying.

"I'll call her and then I'll let you know when I find out where she is. Fix this dude, or I'll knock your head off," James said before hanging up.

RJ drove the next hour back to the city and then drove listlessly around the area of their condominium trying to search for her. James and Matt kept texting him telling him they couldn't reach Dei and he was starting to get really worried.

At around 11:00 PM he decided to go back to the penthouse and think. He opened the door slowly, feeling defeated, and then heard the sound of glass softly hitting the granite countertop. He looked up and almost felt his knees go weak when he found her sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter.


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