Chapter 70 - A Huge Step

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AN: Smut, smut ahead!
Due to insistent demand, as in DEMAND 😂, I'm continuing the last chapter --- but won't exactly pick up where I left off, because... I kennaaat. Lol 😅

Same SPG warnings apply, ayt? Ayt.


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"We're going to be late," Dei whispered as she laid on her side with her back against RJ's chest.

"I don't feel like going to work at all today," RJ murmured against her hair. He had one arm wrapped around her waist from underneath her, and his other hand holding Dei's hand on her pillow, their bodies pressed so close together.

"You're crazy," she said, giggling. "Matt will kill us."

RJ took in a deep breath, inhaling the floral scent of her hair. "Let's go on vacation," he said. "Two weeks."

Dei smiled. "I like the sound of that. Where are we going?"

"Do you happen to have a US Visa," he asked, planting a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"I do, actually. It's a tourist Visa," she answered, and then turned her head to face him. "Why?"

RJ gazed at her for a few seconds. "I'd like to take you there to meet my family," he said softly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

Dei turned around so she was facing him fully. "Are you sure?" she asked, searching his face.

"Yes," he said. "I know they will be happy to meet you."

Dei grinned and bit her lip. "I'd really love that. When are we leaving?"

"Well, we have to file our vacation first and talk to Matt, but we will leave as soon as possible," he answered, placing his hand against the small of her back and pulling her closer to him.

Dei heaved a deep sigh of contentment and smiled at him. "I love you, RJ," she said.

RJ grinned back and pressed his lips lightly on hers. "You know I love you too." He kissed her again, longer this time, and his hand that was on her back started moving, caressing the curves on her waist and traveling up to her chest.

Dei smiled into their kiss. "We'll be late," she murmured.

"Fifteen minutes," RJ said biting her lip.

She pulled away with a frown. "That's going to swell so bad," she said, touching her lip.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," RJ replied, grinning. He pulled her body closer against him and Dei felt just how ready he was. She giggled and he smiled.

He kissed her deeper and then propped his hand on one side of her head as the other held her nape. She placed her hands on his back, and gently raked her fingernails against it, making him groan against her lips. He broke off their kiss just long enough for him to get another packet from the drawer and putting it on, before crushing his lips against hers again.

He moved his lips to her jaw, trailing light kisses along her jaw line up to her ears and then down the side of her neck. She bit her lip and took a deep breath as his hot breath and wet lips stirred the familiar sensation beneath her belly.

"Ready?" he whispered, staring at her face.

"Yes," she breathed, holding on to his shoulders. He adjusted himself and then pushed deep inside her. She gasped with her head thrown back and her body arching in pleasure. His lips found hers again and they moved together, swaying their hips in perfect rhythm as their bodies meld together against the covers.

"RJ..." she suddenly whispered breathlessly on his ear and he felt her clenching around him. He propped his elbows on either side of her head and watched while she reached her peak, moving his hips faster and thrusting deeper as her fingers dug deep into the skin on his shoulders, urging him on. He then buried his face in the crook of her neck, biting her a little there as he steadily reached his own high.


"I'm taking her to meet my family," RJ said as he sat inside Matt's office.

Matt looked up from his take out bowl of ramen and stared at him. "Wow, RJ, that's a huge step," he said and he was looking at him in awe.

RJ nodded, smiling.

"When are you planning to leave?" Matt asked, wiping his lip with a napkin.

"As soon as possible, Dei's pretty excited," RJ answered, his fingers playing with the fringe on his jeans.

"Well, let me look into it. We do have a lot of people on leave right now, but maybe we can make a special request from the HQ," Matt said, thinking hard. "Are you going to take the project with you?"

"Of course. We can do that," RJ said with a smile.

"Snapchats and live feed videos while in New York?"

"Sure," he said, happily.

Matt looked at him, narrowing his eyes as he studied him. "You know what, I really like the guy Dei has turned you into," he said.

RJ chuckled. "Me too, Matt. Me too."

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