Chapter 13 - First.

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"Ms. Dei, this just got delivered for you," the security guard on their floor said, handing her a brown paper bag.

Dei took it and when she turned it around, she saw the logo of her favorite restaurant. She smiled and opened the paper bag. In it was a packed sample platter of the food she ordered the first time she and RJ had lunch. There was another small paper bag inside containing 12 garlic breadsticks, and her smile widened some more when she saw them.

She sat on her chair and clicked the chatbox for RJ on her laptop.

You have started a chat with RJ Faulkerson...
Dei M: Hi RJ, did you send the food from Bigoli's?
RJ F: haha! Yea. Did you just get them?
RJ F: I can't take my lunch with you today because we have a meeting so I decided to just order food for you instead.
RJ F: that way you won't have to wait in line for too long
RJ F: and I know you love those
Dei M: I do. ☺️
Dei M: That's very thoughtful of you, thanks RJ.
RJ F: anything for you, Dei.
RJ F: and I hope those breadsticks are enough.
Dei M: Hahahaha! They might not be. I'm already eating one now.
Dei M: thanks for this little piece of heaven
RJ F: 😉
RJ F: 😏
RJ F: see you later?
Dei M: see you later.


"So is this Saturday your first time out?" Ken asked as he typed away on his laptop.

"Yes," RJ answered, reviewing his new piece.

"Do you think Dei would want to join us for something even though it's your time out? Beth is planning a trip to the beach and told me to invite you both," he said, finally turning his chair towards RJ.

"I'm not sure, but I can ask her." RJ responded. "I think she'd like that. She loves the beach."

"Great! You can have dinner with us tomorrow night so she could get comfortable with Beth," Ken said, leaning back on his chair. "Beth was very intrigued. She wanted to meet the girl who captured the elusive heart of RJ Faulkerson."

RJ smirked. Everybody was making a huge deal out of it. Although he was trying to be as discreet about his feelings as possible, he still couldn't help being too obvious.

He couldn't take his eyes off her, and it showed when they were doing live feeds or when they're having lunch together, and their co-workers were raving about it. It seemed that just like him, everyone was surprised to find him finally being really into someone. He was even glad that everyone seemed happy for him, with Matt being the happiest. He even offered to be a godfather when they married each other for real. RJ shook his head, smiling at the thought.

More than a week ago, he would have recoiled at the thought of being attached to someone, but now he couldn't stay away from Dei.


"Do you have any plans this Saturday?" RJ asked as they sat together at the kitchen counter, eating from a small tub of ice cream they bought earlier. They had just finished eating their take out dinner and Dei had excitedly pulled the tub out of the freezer.

"Our first time out?" she asked, looking at him. "No, I haven't had the chance to make any plans yet. So maybe I'll just stay home."

"Uhm... Ken and his fiancée have invited us on their trip to the beach this weekend, and I wonder if you'd like that." RJ said, taking a spoonful of ice cream. "It won't be anywhere too far away. The resort is just a four-hour drive from the city." he added quickly.

"Hmmm... That sounds like a great idea," she said. "I haven't been to the beach in a while." She looked at him again and started laughing.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"My God, RJ, you eat like a five-year old!" she exclaimed, giggling. She reached out her hand and wiped the side of his mouth with her thumb.

He didn't know what made him do it, but as soon as he felt the touch of her thumb, he turned his head slightly and kissed her finger once.

She paused, her eyes wide, and then did what she always tended to do when embarrassed or conscious. She ducked her head and blushed.


He reached over to cup her chin and lifted her face gently so she would look at him and they stared at each other for seven long seconds, both of their hearts racing.

"Dei..." he whispered as he slowly inched his face toward hers. He waited for her to move away, to push him or to show any sign of resistance but she just sat there, seemingly petrified, with her chest heaving slowly.

He could almost feel her quickening pulse as he drew nearer and he realized that he had been holding his breath too. Finally his lips touched hers and he suddenly felt jolts of electricity shooting through his body. He was confused. He couldn't remember how many times he has kissed a girl, but this kiss... it felt like it was the first time. His heart was fluttering and he could feel his heart beating an uneven rhythm.

He was surprised when he felt her kissing back, softly but hesitantly, and he sensed how inexperienced she was. He moved his hand from her chin to her nape as gently as he could and tilted his head to the side, kissing her slowly and carefully.

They pulled away after almost a minute, both of them breathless and dazed.

He smiled at her and she smiled back shyly before looking down at her hands, still blushing.

"Dei, that was..."

"RJ, please don't break my heart," she said suddenly, finally looking up at him.

His face broke into a happy smile and he pulled her in for a hug. "I won't. I promise."

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