Chapter 82 - Cruel Intentions

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"I love this tent you got," Dei said as she rested her head on RJ's arm.

She and RJ were lying inside the dome tent he got from his parents' house. It was a cozy one, good enough for two people, and had a see-through roof that allowed them to still be able to watch the night sky as they laid.

"I know. It's perfect, right?" RJ said, and she nodded, smiling. "Happy?"

"Always," She replied, snuggling closer. "You?"

"I could not ask for more," he replied. "... well maybe a cup of rice and a serving of your or my mom's adobo. That canned food certainly did not fill my stomach enough," he added, touching his tummy.

Dei giggled. "And I need my serving of breadsticks."

"We're going back home soon," he said suddenly. "Back to reality."

"Which is almost as good as this one, right?" she asked, looking at him.

He sighed. "Yeah, but then we have to start thinking about the promotion again."

Dei hugged him around the waist with one arm. "How much does it mean to you, babe?"

"To be honest, it was my absolute dream more than three years ago. Tim and I both applied for it actually. The bosses have been shaping both of us up to be part of the leadership team even then, but then they had decided to start a branch in the Philippines and I was offered to help pioneer the first batch. The transfer was just the escape that I needed at that time so I accepted it," he answered. "I honestly thought Tim got it after I left but they picked someone else. And now apparently they have kept my application and have considered me again."

"Does it still matter to you that much?" Dei asked softly.

"I'm not sure anymore," he answered, his forehead scrunched up in thought.

"If you hadn't met me and you got offered this position again, would you accept it?" Dei asked and RJ glared at her. "Just a hypothetical question," she added quickly.

RJ let out another huge sigh. "Yes."

"I see." Dei said and it was her turn to heave a sigh.

"But I met you, Dei, so now it's different," he told her. "I will only accept it if you agree to be transferred in New York too. It just doesn't make sense for us to be apart. We're engaged and we are getting married soon. We're going to be starting a family and we won't be able to do that if I'm working in New York and you choose to stay in the Philippines."

"So your decision depends on my own decision..."

"Yes, but no pressure. I just want you to know that I don't want to be away from you. Especially now," RJ said.

"Can we put off this conversation again until we're back home from this amazing vacation?" Dei asked.

"Sure," he muttered. "Let's prolong the agony some more."


"I'm sorry. You're right," RJ said, chewing on his lip. "I'm pushing it to the back of my mind now. Let's go back to watching the stars."

"I'm kinda sleepy now," she told him softly. "Can I nestle back deep into your chest like you promised?" she asked, placing her hand over his chest.

RJ smiled and faced her so she could bury her face on his chest, then he tightly wrapped his arms around her as she encircled both of hers around his waist.

"I love you, RJ," she whispered. "I'll think about it hard, I promise."

"Okay," RJ said, sighing. "And I love you too."

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