Chapter 11 - RJ's Stepping Up

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RJ woke up to the bright sunlight coming from the window. He looked around and found himself on the living room sofa with a blanket laid on top of him. He slowly sat up, feeling a sharp pain on his left temple. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 10:46 AM.

Shit. I'm late for work.

He glanced to his left and saw a glass of water on the side table. Beside it was a tablet of aspirin and a note.


I already left for work. I told Matt you can't make it because you're not feeling well. Please take the aspirin if you get a headache when you wake up. I'm pretty sure you will. We'll talk later.


"Dei..." he whispered.

He took the aspirin and popped it in his mouth before gulping down the full glass of water. He tried remembering what happened the night before, worried that he may have done something stupid, but his mind was blank. The last thing he could recall was getting into the elevator to the penthouse.

He pulled out his phone to check his social media accounts and his thumb hovered on the snapchat app. He clicked on it and checked their stories, meaning to look at their snaps during the first two days, and saw Dei's latest snap.

 He clicked on it and checked their stories, meaning to look at their snaps during the first two days, and saw Dei's latest snap

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What happened last night? he thought.

He stood up and walked into the kitchen and found a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon covered by a glass dome cover. There was another note beside it.

Please eat. Don't worry, I didn't cook that. I ordered it from the café downstairs.

He shook his head as he read the note. What are you doing, Dei? I'm trying to get rid of my feelings for you but you're not making it any easier for me.

He downed the breakfast in less than 10 minutes. He realized he was so hungry and remembered that he didn't eat anything for dinner before drinking last night.

He took a shower right after and decided to go to the gym for a workout. He planned on staying home the whole day after that.


He heard the door open as he sat on the sofa watching TV, and he turned around at once. Dei walked in and stood by the door for a few moments, looking at him. Then her face broke into a shy smile.

"Hi," she said.

"Hey," he answered, returning her smile. Are you not mad at me now? he thought, but didn't ask loudly.

"Have you eaten?" she asked, taking out some stuff from the paper bag she was holding.

"Not yet, too early." he answered, watching her from the couch.

"Good. I brought some Chinese food. Eat with me?" she asked him and he nodded.

He walked over to the kitchen and sat tentatively on the stool beside her and watched as she continued preparing the food.

She had her hair on a messy bun today and he loved how the stray strands fell like tendrils on her cheeks, framing her beautiful face. She had on a white, long-sleeved blouse that was quite loose but was able to create a silhouette that showed off her nice form. She also had on a black skirt that was sexy enough to show her legs but still modest enough not to attract unwanted attention. He marveled at how fresh and beautiful she still looked at that hour.

Yea, fuck this getting rid of my feelings thing. There's no getting out now.

Dei handed him a box of stir fried rice with dumplings and he said thanks. Then he waited for her to talk.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better," he answered, looking at her.

She bit her lip for a couple of seconds, contemplating what she was about to say. "RJ, Last night..."

He placed the box of rice down. "Did I do something stupid?" he asked worriedly.

"No," she said softly. "But you said something that might be..."

He waited.

"You said you've fallen for me," she said looking down.

His heart started beating unevenly as he tried to search her face for a reaction, either negative or positive, but she kept her face down. He sighed. "That's what I told you yesterday, but you got mad at me."

"Because I couldn't believe you," she answered. "How is that even possible?"

"How is it not possible, Dei?" he countered. "You're witty and awesome yet unassuming. You're great to hang out with because you keep the situations light and easy with your laughter. You're thoughtful and you're kind, and you're gorgeous as hell."

She ducked her head and blushed.

"And you keep doing that and it drives me crazy. You're so endearing, it's pretty hard not to fall for you," he said.

"I don't know what to say..." she said, still blushing.

"You don't have to say anything, Dei. I know you're scared and confused. But I hope you'd give me a chance to show you that I'm true," he said. "To be honest, I was pretty confused myself. I wasn't expecting this, especially this early, but I've never felt like this in a long time."

Dei didn't respond and instead kept turning the dumplings around inside the box.

"Dei, please give me a chance to prove that I can be the guy you want. I'm taking this chance and you don't know how scared I am, but please... I promise not to force you into anything you're not sure of. Just let me... have these feelings for you and not runaway from me.

Dei looked up at him and sighed before giving him a smile. "Okay..." she said.

He beamed. "Now about James, is he really just a friend?"


"Not that I'm afraid of competition but.."

"He's just a friend." Dei said.

"Okay," he said unable to keep a wide grin from creeping into his face. "Thanks for giving me this chance."

"You better work it." she told him, smiling back.

"Oh, I will."

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