Chapter 64 - Her Sister's Wedding

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All sexual tensions were forgotten as soon as they arrived at the church. RJ parked his car near the entrance and they could already see the wedding coordinator trying to get the entourage in line.

"Ready?" Dei asked RJ, touching his hand lightly.

"Yeah," he said, and there was a serious look on his face as he pulled his collar and removed just one more button on the dress shirt he was wearing. He had already unbuttoned a total of three since they left the penthouse. He took a deep breath and got out of the car and then walked around to open Dei's door, helping her out of her seat after he did.

"I'd have to join the line for the entourage and then sit with the other bridesmaids at the front during the ceremony. Can you find a seat as near to me as possible? I'll introduce you to my family as soon as we get to the reception," she told him.

"Sure," he said, nodding. "Try not to trip." he added, smiling, while also giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Dei rolled her eyes at him and pinched him lightly on his side. "See you later, babe!" she said as she ran to join the entourage while RJ stepped towards the church to find himself a seat.

The ceremony started with the march and RJ stared at Dei in wonder as she walked gracefully down the aisle, her perfect smile brightening the whole venue. She looked at him and he smiled at her, unable to keep the image of her marching down there with a white gown on. She sure would look perfect and beautiful as a bride. His bride. Someday.

Dei's sister started marching in, and RJ noticed that even though she was beautiful like Dei, the two of them actually looked so different. Dei's sister, Coleen, was on the heavier side -- not too thick, but she was chubbier and it was cute and adorable, however Dei's beauty was deeper and more unique.

The ceremony went on with much tears and laughter and RJ noticed Dei shedding a tear too. The married couple sure looked so in love with each other, and as they kissed in the end, everyone could see how deeply connected they were.

The wedding rites ended and Dei walked over to him with a smile. He, however, could feel the nerves starting to bubble up inside his chest again. It was already dark when they got out of the church and they rode RJ's car to the reception.

The wedding reception was Verona inspired and there was a statue of Juliet, just like the one in Casa di Giulietta, right by the entrance to the ballroom. Juliet's statue and the replica of the courtyard was used for photo ops, instead of the usual photo booth.

RJ and Dei got themselves a souvenir photo with the statue before heading in.

RJ and Dei got themselves a souvenir photo with the statue before heading in

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