Chapter 53 - Night Swim

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"Is James gay?" RJ asked Dei suddenly as they sat around the bonfire at the beach on Saturday night.

"What?" Dei asked, looking at RJ.

"I was wondering if James is gay," RJ said, scratching the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. "It's just that I've been watching him and Mara for a while now but he seemed to be ignoring her the entire time."

Dei rolled her eyes. "Well James is stupid. Apparently he's crushing on someone else."

"Really? Who?" RJ asked, curious.

"You wouldn't want to know," she answered, rolling her eyes again. "Do you want to try this roasted marshmallows? I don't know why we even tried this, it's disgusting."

RJ took a bite at the marshmallow she was holding and grimaced. "Yea, that's disgusting. Drop it," he said and pulled out a fresh marshmallow from the pack and ate that instead.

A loud laughter erupted from a group of boys on the other side of the circle. It was close to midnight but everyone's energy was still very high and some have already started drinking.

"Do you wanna go somewhere private?" RJ asked. "It's getting a bit rowdy here."

"Yea, I noticed," Dei answered. "Where do you wanna go?"

"We can sit right there and talk... Or just sit and not talk," he said, pointing at a vacant spot on the shore several meters away. "It's been a tiring day and my mind and body are just craving for some peace and quiet."

"Okay. Me too actually," she said, and RJ pulled her up.

They slowly walked towards that part on the beach and sat there, cross-legged and very close to each other. They watched as the waves gently met the shore and basked in the calmness of the sound that they created.

"I love the beach," Dei whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"I know," he replied.

She sighed contentedly.

"You were so great today, you surprised me yet again," he said after a few moments.

"Well, I was surprised myself. I actually wasn't very confident at first. Your team was very competitive and very good at all the games too. You obviously were the MVP and playing against you just made me more aggressive," she told him.

"Hmmm... Why do I like the sound of that?" he chuckled and Dei laughed with him, but not before giving him a soft pinch on the side.



"Do you really want to meet my parents?" she asked, looking at the waters.

"Of course," he answered.

Dei sighed. "Can you be my date at my sister's wedding then?" she asked, glancing at him.

RJ smiled. "It would be my honor, babe."

"Be prepared, though. My dad may have said he's okay with this whole thing, but he is very hard to please." she said, writing their names on the sand.

"Well I'm nervous... But I'm ready," RJ answered, holding her hand.

A bigger wave swept the shore and the water reached their feet.

"The water's still warm," RJ noticed. "Do you want to take a dip?"

"Oh, I'd love to," Dei said excitedly and she quickly stood up and shed her cover up.

RJ swallowed hard as he watched her run into the waters and he had to take a couple of deep breaths before joining her.

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