Chapter 69 - Game Over

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AN: and here comes the inevitable... You knew this was coming right? 😏

Same SPG warnings apply. No minors and no pabebe please. You have been warned. Just skip if this isn't your thing... but there have been a couple chapters containing scenes like this already and you're still reading The Experiment, so I guess we're good?🤔😄 Ready? OKAY!!!

 but there have been a couple chapters containing scenes like this already and you're still reading The Experiment, so I guess we're good?🤔😄 Ready? OKAY!!!

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"RJ, you okay, man?" Ken asked his best friend, whose face was buried in both his hands and his elbows propped on his knees as he sat on his chair.

"Yeaaaah I'm good," RJ moaned miserably. "I'm grand," he added grumpily.

"You're sulking," Ken observed.

"Dude, I can't take it anymore," RJ groaned, leaning against the back of his chair and looking up at the ceiling with an exasperated look on his face.

Ken snickered. "Dei?" he guessed.


"So the video didn't work?" Ken asked, trying hard not to smile.


"Well I can understand the struggle." Ken said, grinning behind RJ so he wouldn't see.

"You don't. She's teasing me, man. She's purposely doing this to punish me and she's actually good at it." He ran his fingers through his hair and went back to his work, not really understanding what he was typing as the image of Dei in that pink nightdress kept popping on his brain.

"I don't know what to say, dude," Ken said.

"You don't have to say anything. Just stop laughing at me," RJ said grumpily and Ken let out the huge laugh he had been trying to suppress, making RJ frown some more.


Dei sat in the cafeteria waiting for RJ. The rain was pouring like crazy so they had no choice but to eat inside, and RJ was running late because he had to help out a team mate with a small project.

She pulled out her phone and clicked on RJ's video again, watching it for maybe the hundredth time since RJ sent it to her. She had saved it on her phone and would watch it every chance she got.

"Interesting," said RJ's voice behind her and she quickly put her phone away.

Dei looked up at him, blushing, and saw that he had a smug look on his face. "I thought you said 15 minutes," she said.

"We finished early," he replied, sliding in the seat in front of her with his eyes fixed on her face. She ducked her head, unable to hold his gaze. "Why do you settle for that when you can have the real thing?" he asked.

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